ALTENBURG APOLDA Hitlerv-visit 1940/41 Location: Unknown Somewhere at the end of 1940 or the beginning of 1941 Hitler was in Altenburg with fighter squadron no. 153. Does anyone know more about this event? Fürstenhof Location: Not sure Hitler did a speech at the Fürstenhof on January 13, 1927. Tent Am Anger (2) Location: Am Anger Today: Still there In 1932 Hitler was in Altenburg to speak in a large tent that was built to make enough room for the masses that came to see him. He spoke at a mass rally to 20.000 people. SCHLEIZ Vereinsgarten (28) Location: Not sure Hitler held a speech here on January 18, 1927. SONDERSHAUSEN Sportplatz (29) Location: Am Sportzentrum Today: Still there On July 26, 1932 Hitler spoke (at 3 o’clock in the afternoon) at the Thüringer Landtag for 8.000 - 10.000 people in Sondershausen. THÜRINGER WALD JENA Volkshaus (20) Location: Carl-Zeiss-Platz 15 Today: Still there On November 19, 1925 and on December 2, 1932 Hitler held a speech at the Volkshaus in Jena.

Gaststätte Nollendorfer Hof (21)

Location: Nollendorfer Strasse 26

Today: Still there

On December 2, 1932 Hitler spoke at the Nollendorfer Hof.

NORDHAUSEN Flugplatz Nordhausen (24) Location: Alte Leipziger Strasse, near Hallesche Strasse/Nordhäuser Strasse Today: Still there When Hitler had visited the Kyffhäuser Denkmal on June 8, 1939 he went to Nordhausen airport to get in his Ju 52. WEIMAR Left:A march of the NSDAP  Central:A ‘Wahlkundgebung’ in Weimar in front of Haus Elephant  Right: In front of haus Elephant in Weimar 1926 Hotel Kaiserin Augusta Location: Carl-August-Allee 17 Today: Still there On January 10,1930 Hitler held a speech at the Kaiserin Augusta for about 300 people.

An old impression of the Kolonialheim


An old postcard with a picture of the Schießhaus on it

Hitler in front of the Nationaltheater (picture:

Speech at the Marktplatz (33)

Location: Marktplatz

Today: Still there

On March 6, 1932 Hitler held a speech at the Marktplatz in Weimar. On January 15, 1933 Hitler spoke on the Marktplatz to about 10.000 people.

An old picture of the Marktplatz


The old Weimarhalle

Nietzsche Archives (37) Location: Humboldstrasse 36 Today: Still there On a trio to the Bayreuth Festival in 1932 Hitler visited the Nietsche Archives in Weimar. Hitler at the Nietzsche Archives


Location: Unknown

On January 16, 1933 Hitler spoke in Weimar at a gathering of Gauleiter.

Adolf Hitler somewhere in Thüringen. Exact location unknown.

Bürgervereinshaus Location: Unknown Hitler held a speech at the Bürgervereinshaus in Weimar on January 20, 1929.

Gautag NSDAP

Location: Unknown

On November 6, 1938 Hitler was in Weimar for the Gautag of the Thüringischen NSDAP.

Weimarer Schloß (39)

Location: Burgplatz 2

Today: Still there, partly turned into a museum.

Hitler was present at the Erinnerungsfeier of the first Parteitag on July 3, 4 and 5, 1936. On July 3 he held a speech at the Weimarer Schloß.

The Weimarer Schloß


Thüringische Landeskampfbahn (40) Location: Fuldaer Straße 113 Today: Wimaria-Stadion On July 5, 1936 Hitler spoke at the Landeskampfbahn in Thüringen.

Goethehaus (42)

Location: Frauenplan 1

Today: Still there as a museum

On one of his visites to Weimar Hitler went to see the Goethehaus.

The Goethehaus in Weimar

(picture: Markv, wikipedia)

Schillerhaus (43)

Location: Schillerstrasse 14

Today: Museum

On one of his visites to Weimar Hitler went to see the Schillerhaus.

The Schillerhaus (picture: wikipedia, Andreas Trepte,

Schloßpark Tiefurt (41)

Location: Park at the end of the Hauptstrasse in Tiefurt, Weimar

Today: Still there

On July 5, 1936 Hitler spoke at the Schloßpark Tiefurt in Weimar for 50.000 people.

Gummiwerkes Location: Unknown On December 3, 1932 Hitler spoke at the Hall of the former Gummiwerkes in Sonnenberg. BAD BLANKENBURG Stadthalle (4) Location: Bahnhofstrasse 23 Today: Still there Hitler held a speech at the Stadthalle of Bad Blankenburg on March 5, 1932.

The Stadthalle after

the war.

EISFELD Industriepalast (7) Location: Unknown Hitler held a speech at the Industriepalast on December 3, 1932. EISENACH Fürstenhof (6) Location: Luisenstrasse 11-13 Today: The building is in a bad shape. Hitler held a speech at the Fürstenhof on October 23, 1932. EFFELDER-RAUENSTEIN Effelder Schloß (5) Location: Schloßgasse 20 Today: Not sure Hitler held a speech at the Effelder Schloß on December 3, 1932. HILDBURGHAUSEN Städtischen Kampfbahn (18) Location: Schleusinger Strasse Today: Not sure On July 26, 1932 Hitler held a speech at the Städtischen Kampfbahn. GREIZ Haus der Turnerschaft (17) Location: Vater-Jahn-Strasse 2, near the Beethovenstrasse Today: The Turnhalle is called ‘Turnhalle Kurt Rödel’ now. It seems like it’s been renovated a few times. Hitler held a speech at this location on December 1, 1932. GOTHA Schießhaussaal (16) Location: Goldbacher Strasse 35 Today: Still there, today known as the Stadthalle On January 21, 1927 Hitler held a speech at the Schießhaus. On May 9, 1930 and on December 2, 1932 Hitler spoke here again. The inside of the Schießhaus  (picture: GERA Gauparteitag 1930 (13) Location: Markt  Today: Still there On the 12th and 13th of July, 1930 the Thüringer Gauparteitag der NSDAP took place in Gera. Auf dem Markt Hitler and Frick watched the parade of 5.000 nazis. Hitler in Gera on  September 5, 1931 Hitler in front of the Dom in Erfurt

Mitteldeutschen Kampfbahn (also called Dabelstädter Schanze) (10)

Location: Arnstädter Strasse

Today: Modernised. In 1948 the stadium was called the Georgij-Dimitrof-Stadion. In 1991 it was renamed. It’s called the Steigerwaldstadion now. The modern stadium is on the same location as the original one.

On June 26, 1932 Hitler held a speech at the Mitteldeutschen Kampfbahn for about 120.000 people.

The Mitteldeutschen Kampfbahn

MEININGEN The Schützenhaus in 1913  (picture: Speech Location: Location unknown Hitler was in Meiningen on March 19, 1921 for a speech. OHRDRUF Left: The Ohrdruf area   Right: The camp in Ohrdruf

Like in all German states Hitler came to Thüringen a lot to do speeches during his po-litical campaignes. The Denkmal Kyffhäuser was in nazi times a mythical place that Hitler visited at least twice. Speculative is the information about Ohrdruf. The most important place related to Hitler in Thüringen is without a doubt the city of Weimar.      

1. Preußische Hof, Altenburg 2. Am Anger, Altenburg 3. Bürgerverein, Apolda 4. Stadt- halle, Bad Blankenburg 5. Schloß, Effelder-Rauenstein 6. Fürstenhof, Eisenach 7. Eisfeld

8. Flugplatz, Erfurt 9. Domkirche, Erfurt

10. Kampfbahn, Erfurt 11. Heinrichsbrücke, Gera 12. Gasthaus Heinrichsbrücke 13. Markt, Gera 14. Schützenplatz, Gera 15. Flugplatz, Gera-Tinz 16. Schießhaussaal, Gotha 17. Haus der Turnerschaft, Greiz 18. Kampfbahn, Hildeburghausen 19. University, Jena

20. Volkshaus, Jena 21. Nollendorfer Hof, Jena 22. Schützenhaus, Meiningen 23. Nordhausen 24. Flugplatz Nordhausen 25. Denkmal Kyffhäuser 26. Hitler’s bomb and the Burg, Ohrdruf 27. Salonwagen Compiegne, Ohrdruf

28. Vereinsgarten, Schleiz

29. Sportplatz, Sondershausen        


30. Sonneberg 31. Station Thüringer Wald 32. Haus Elephant, Weimar 33. Marktplatz, Weimar 34. Weimarhalle, Weimar 35. Gasthaus Hohenzollern, Weimar 36. Nationaltheater, Weimar 37. Nietzsche Archives, Weimar 38. Hotel Kaiserin Augusta, Weimar 39. Schloß, Weimar 40. Landeskampfbahn, Weimar 41. Schloßpark Tiefurt 42. Goethehaus, Weimar 43. Schillerhaus, Weimar

44. Schießhaus, Weimar 45. Vereinslokal Erholung, Weimar 46. Kolonialheim, Weimar

Thüringen weergeven op een grotere kaart

Carin from Germany helped finding the locations of the Schießhaus, the Vereinslokal Erholung and the Kolonialheim. Thanks!