The Germania Werft today Pictures of Hitler at the North Sea coast (17) Exact Location: Unknown, not even sure if the pictures were taken in Schleswig-Holstein Pictures in one of Hoffmann’s propaganda books show Hitler at the North Sea coast. Left: Hitler at the North Sea (location unknown)  Right: Hitler, Hess and driver Schreck looking at manouvres of the Kriegsmarine NORTH SEA LÜBECK-TRAVEMÜNDE RENDSBURG LABOE Marine Ehrenmal (15a) Location: Strandstrasse 92 Today: Still there. On Mai 30, 1936 Hitler was present at the inauguration of the Marine Ehrenmal in Laboe.

Adolf Hitler, General-Feldmarschall Blomberg and General-Admiral Rader in front of the Marine Ehrenmal

The inauguration of the Ehrenmal

The Marine Ehrenmal

(picture: wikipedia, MonaLisa1998, 2010)

EUTIN Schloßhotel (5) Location: Unknown, the Schloß is at the Schloßplatz on the Jungfernstieg Hitler held a speech at the Schloßhotel in Eutin on May 9, 1926. Reithalle Location: Unknown Hitler held a speech at the Reithalle on May 6, 1931. The government building (then called Stabsgebäude) in 1945 Dönitz in front of the building May 23, 1945: the Flensburg government gets arrested The same building in 2005 Dönitz in Nürnberg Dönitz and others hear of their  arrest on the ship the Patria FLENSBURG Stadion (7) Location: Kielsenger Feld, Arndstrasse 5 Today: Still there On April 23, 1932 Hitler spoke at the Stadion in Flensburg. The old U-boot bunker HELGOLAND Howenstedt Location: region in the centre of Schleswig-Holstein Hitler must have visited Howenstedt in 1930. More information is not available yet. HOWENSTEDT The Grille The Prinz Eugen A recent picture of Motorboot 1 Lokal Deutsche Wacht Location: Unknown On August 10, 1930 Hitler held a speech here. Speech Hitler 1932 Location: Unknown On April 23, 1932 Hitler held a speech in Kiel for 60.000 people.

SA-group Nordmark

Location: Unknown

On May 7, 1933 Hitler spoke for the SA-group Nordmark. There were 45.000 people present.

The Gneisenau Above and right: The Graf Zeppelin at the Shipyard Deutsche Werke The Leipzig KIEL Stadttheater (8) Location: Rosenstrasse 17 Today: Unknown On October 14, 1928 Hitler spoke at the Stadttheater in Heide. HEIDE Hitler at the Adolf-Hitler-Koog  in 1935 DIEKSANDERKOOG/FRIEDRICHSKOOG (ADOLF-HITLER-KOOG)

Hitler meeting with local people inside their home

(picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936)

Hitler leaves

(picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936)

Hitler signing the guestbook

(picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936)

Bismarckturm Friedrichsruh (2) Location: Hammelberg, between Schönningstedt and Krabbenkamp Today: Still there Hitler must also have visited the Bismarckturm once. Friedrichsruh Castle - Bismarck Schloss (1) Location: Am Schlossteich 1 (Friedrichsruh) Today: Still there Hitler visited the mausoleum of Bismarck in the castle Friedrichsruh on February 14, 1939. He arrived by train at  the station (Bahnhofstrasse).

 The Bismarck Schloß




Schleswig-Holstein is one of the few German coastal states. Hitler came here to see the fleet or to go to the christening of a ship. Kiel had an important harbour. When Hitler died Dönitz was his successor for a short while. His gouvernment was seated in Flensburg.    

1. Bismarck Schloß, Aumühle 2. Bismarckturm, Aumühle 3. Riesebuschplatz, Bad Schwartau

4. Dieksanderkoog 5. Schloßhotel, Eutin

6. Marinesportschule, Flensburg 7. Stadion, Flensburg 8. Stadttheater, Heide 9. Helgoland 10. Aquarium, Helgoland 11. Harbour, Kiel

12. Nordostseehalle, Kiel 13. Shipyard Deutsche Werke, Kiel 14. Krupp Germania Werft, Kiel 15. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Kanal, Kiel

16. Airport, Lübeck-Travemünde 17. North Sea 18. Lokal Schützenhof, Rendsburg     

Schleswig-Holstein weergeven op een grotere kaart
Hitler speaks from the Rathaus balcony. Hitler's speach in the Grossen Festsaal of the Rathaus was broadcasted throughout the whole country. The people from Hamburg The Rathaus today (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2009) Hitler in Hamburg in 1938 Copyright Original picture Hitler in Hamburg on August 17, 1934 The Rathaus on the Rathausmarkt (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2009) The old theatre, before 1943 Left: Hitler watches the widow of Wilhelm Gustloff christen the ship on May 5, 1937 © Michael W. Pocock and Maritime Above: Hitler at the ‘stapellauf’ of the Bismarck on February 14, 1939 Copyright Original picture

The frontside of the Hauptbahnhof (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2009)

The backside of the Hauptbahnhof (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2009)

Hotel Atlantik today (the Hitlerpages, 2020)

Hanseatenhalle (7)

Location: Zollvereinsstraße, S-Bahnhof Rothenburgsort

Today: Bombed in 1943

On March 20, 1936 and on March 29, 1938 Hitler spoke at the Hanseatenhalle in Hamburg.

An old postcard of the hotel Phönix

Racecircuit Lokstedt ‘Dirt-Track’ (5) Location: Hamburg-Lokstedt, exact location unknown Hitler spoke to 120.000 people at the racecircuit of Lokstedt on April 23, 1932.


Hitler visited Hamburg very often during the time of his political career. Hamburg was and still is one of the most important cities of Germany, because of its harbour. The Blohn & Voss Werft was a very famous warf located in Hamburg. The city was bombed in July 1943. With 40.000 casualties, Hamburg is the city where the most people in Germany died due to an airstrike.

1. Rathaus

2. Staatsoper

3. Howaldt Werft

4. Railway station

5. Racecircuit Lockstedt

6. Hotel Atlantik

7. Hanseatenhalle

8. Victoria-Sportplatz

9. Altona

10. Hotel Phönix

11. Sagebielsche Säle

Hamburg weergeven op een grotere kaart

Stapellauf KdF-Schiff ‘Robert Ley’ (sister ship of the Wilhelm Gustloff) (3)

Location: Howaldt Werft

Today: The ship was bombed in 1945. It was deconstructed in England in 1947.

On March 29, 1938 Hitler held a speech at the launching of the Kracht-durch-Freude-ship Robert Ley.

Some more information about Hitler and the Robert Ley can be found here.

Adolf Hitler on the KDF-Dampfer ‘Robert Ley’ in 1938                                            

(picture: WZ, Germany)

The Robert Ley


Adolf Hitler, probably at the grave of Otto Streibel in Albersdorf

(picture: unknown source)

ALBERSDORF (DITHMARSCHEN) (also go to Wöhrden and Sankt Annen on the same page) SANKT ANNEN (DITHMARSCHEN) (also go to Wöhrden and Albersdorf on the same page)

The location of the fight pointed out by an eye-witness

(picture: unknown local paper)

A picture of one of the funerals

(picture: unknown source)

WÖHRDEN (DITHMARSCHEN) (also go to Albersdorf and Sankt Annen on the same page)

On February 13, 1934 a stone of remembrance was officially placed on the location of the fight. (picture:

The stone in Wöhrden. It was taken away in 1950. (picture:

Adolf Hitler, probably at the grave of Otto Streibel in Albersdorf

(picture: unknown source)




The Marineschool today (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2020)