Three pictures of the Hofbraukeller today (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Hitler at the Bürgerbräukeller on November 8, 1938 (pictures: source unknown) Hitler speaks at the Bürgerbräukeller (picture: unsure) The Bürgerbräukeller in 1925 (picture: unsure) The Bürgerbräukeller after  the bomb attack (picture: unsure) The ones that died in the Bürgerbräukeller-attack were honoured at the Odeonsplatz (picture: unsure) The Löwenbraukeller by night (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Above: The Löwenbraukeller at November 8, 1943 (the twentiest anniversary of the putsch). Hitler shakes hands with Göring Below: Hitler inside the Löwenbrau on November 9, 1940 The Löwenbraukeller  (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2012) The Löwenbraukeller (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2012) Kreuzbräu (8) Location: Brunnenstrasse 7 (old address); today Sendlingerstrasse Today: Torn down in 1981, the entrance to Asamhof Passage is there now. In 1920, on July 28, Hitler spoke at the Kreuzbräu once. In 1929 he also spoke here once. The Kreuzbräu from the outside (left) and inside (above). The picture on the right shows the entrance to the Asamhof Passage that’s there now. (pictures: old postcards) The entrance to the Asamhof Passage (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2012) Wagnerbräu (7) Location: Lilienstrasse 51 Today: As far as I know it’s not longer there; Wirtshaus in der Au is there now. In 1920, on August 20, Hitler spoke in the Wagnerbräu. The McDonalds with the  Hogerbräu facade (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2010) Schwabingerbräu (12) Location: Leopoldstrasse/Münchener Freiheit (square)  Today: Not sure In 1922, 1923, 1928 and 1929 Hitler spoke at the Schwabingerbräu, every mentioned year once.

There’s a bar in the Weinstrasse called Zum Franziskaner. If it’s the right one, is not clear.

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2010)

Salvatorkeller (14) Location: Hochstrasse 77 Today: Burned down in 1999; on the location is the Gatstätte Paulaner am Nockherberg In 1922 Hitler spoke in the Salvatorkeller twice. In 1929 he was back there for one speech. Sign of a Hitler speech at the Salvatorkeller (November 21, 1922) Altes Hackerbräuhaus (21) Location: Sendlinger Strasse 16 Today:Still there In 1928 Hitler held a speech in the Altes Hackerbräuhaus. Das Alte Hackerbräuhaus today (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2012) Hirschbräukeller (15) Location: Herbststrasse 11 In 1922, 1926 and 1927 Hitler held one speech at the Hirschbräukeller. Kochelbrauerei (16) Location: Schmied-Kochel Strasse (?) Today: Not sure In 1923 Hitler held one speech at this brewery. Augustinerkeller (17) Location: Arnulfstrasse 52 Today: Still there  In 1923 Hitler held two speeches in this Keller. In 1928 he was there three times for a speech and in 1929 and 1931 he gave one speech each year. The Augustinerkeller on the Arnulfstrasse. The third picture was made on the side of the Zirkus-Krone-Strasse. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2012) Arzbergerkeller (18) Location: Nymphenburgerstrasse/Sandstrasse Today: On the corner of both streets is a Löwenbrau brewery. In 1923, 1928 and 1929 Hitler held one speech (each year) in the Arzbergerkeller.

The location still has to do with beer. There’s a brewery of the wellknown Löwenbrau there.

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2012)

Left: a postcard with pictures of the Mathäserbräu. Centre: In front of the Mathäserbräu, November 7, 1918 (Joachimsthaler, 1989)  Right: the Mathäser Filmpalast (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2010) Hackerbräumalzhaus (22) Location: Not sure; Sendlinger Strasse ?; Theresienhöhe 7? Today: Not sure In 1929 Hitler held one speech in the Hackerbräumalzhaus. Gernerbräu (23) Location: Not sure, but could be  Dantestrasse 33 Today: Not sure In 1929 Hitler held one speech in the Gernerbräu. SPEECHES The Kriegschule in February 1924 (picture: Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-00287, München, Hitler-Ludendorf-Prozess, Feb. 1924) The Marsfeld today  (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2012) A 1922 map of the area of the Marsfeld  (picture: The picture of Hitler on the Marsfeld, January 28, 1923 (picture: Kershaw, 1998)

A crowd listening to Hitler inside the old Zirkus Krone (picture: Bundesarchiv, Bild 146-1972-001-07, ca. 1925)

The new Zirkus Krone

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2012)

Mathildensaal (26) Location: Mathildenstrasse 4 Today: Still there, modernised on the inside; owned by the Evangelische Handwerker Verein On October 29, 1920 Hitler spoke at the Münchener Mathildensaal. Allach (27) Location: Allach-Untermenzing, exact location unknown Today: Allach is a place that became a part of München in 1938. It’s called Allach-Untermenzing now. On August 22, 1922 Hitler spoke at Allach. Dante-Stadion (29) Location: Dantestrasse 14 Today: Still there, renovated in 1954 and in 1970 In 1932 Hitler spoke at the Dante-Stadion once. The stadium was frequently used for gatherings of the Hitler Jugend. Is this Hitler at the Ostfriedhof when Kurt Eisner burried?  (picture: source unsure) Reichsführerschule (32) Location: Briennerstrasse 44 Today: Unknown In 1931 Hitler held seven speeches here. In 1932 he did one more speech at this location. The Kaim-Saal like it used to be (source: Only this stone remembers of the Tonhalle that once was there  (source: wikipedia, Donaulustig) The large concert room (left) and the small room (right). At which one Hitler spoke, I don’t know. (source: Markgrafenreithalle (28) Location: Hessstrasse 132 (?) On September 30, 1923 Hitler spoke at the Markgrafenreihalle. There is an old Reithalle (since 1904/1905) at the Hessstrasse. If it’s the same Reithalle I don’t know. Neuhofer Garten Location: Unknown In 1929 Hitler held one speech here. Wittelsbacher Garten Location: Unknown On February 20, 1923 Hitler spoke in the Wittelsbacher Garten and in both 1928 and 1929 he also held a speech here. Mathilden-Hospiz Location: Unknown In 1932 Hitler held one speech here. Adolf Hitler at the Goetheplatz on May 22, 1938 (source: unknown)

Is this the Kunstgewerbehaus where Hitler held a speech?

(picture: source unknown)

Old pictures of the Sterneckerbrau, where the DAP got together in 1919. Later, Adolf Hitler had an office in the building.

The building that housed the NSDAP headquarters still exists.

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2010)

There was a second entrance in the alley next to the building.

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2010)

In 1933 there was a small party museum made in one of the rooms. (picture: München, Hauptstadt der Bewegung, 2006) A postcard of the Kriegsveteranensaal of the Sterneckerbrau Another Hoffmann postcard. This one shows Hitler’s working room in the Sterneckerbrau.   (picture: Heinrich Hoffmann) Hoffmann postcards of Adolf Hitler visiting the museum. (pictures: Heinrich Hoffmann)

The side entrance of the building

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2012)

The former Sterneckerbrau

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2012)

The former Sterneckerbrau

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2012)

The alley next to the building

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2012)


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