Isartor (3) Location: Between the Zweibrückenstrasse and the street called Tal Today: Still there The putsch route continued through the Isartor.

The Isartor seen from the Zweibrückenstrasse

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006)

Hitler under the Isartor

The Isartor today

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2012)

The Tal street, when facing the Marienplatz

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006)

The same street, when facing the Isartor. On Tal 41 is the hotel Torbräu. The SS was founded in the basement of this building. It’s the orange building in the background of the picture.

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2010)

Another picture of the Tal street. The building with the arched windows used to be the Sterneckerbrau, one of the first locations where the NSDAP had their headquarters.

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2012)

Marienplatz (5) Location: At the end of the Tal. Today: After being ruined in the war, the old townhall was rebuilt after the war. As you can see on the first picture below (made during putsch remembrance day) the group passed the old city hall. Das Alte Rathaus on the Marienplatz on November 9, 1938. (picture: München, Hauptstadt der Bewegung, 2006) The reconstruction of the building today (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2012/2010) Left: The Max Josephplatz in 2006 Right: Inbetween the buildings runs the Residenzstrasse.  (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2006) Max-Joseph-Platz (7) Location: Residenzstrasse Today: Still there After they passed the Max-Josephplatz the group went into the Residenzstrasse. Ludwigsbrücke (2) Location: Between the Rosenheimerstraße and the Zweibrückenstraße Today: Still there At the Ludwigsbrücke a small cordon of the police tries to stop the Putschists. The Zweibrückenstrasse is located between the Ludwigsbrucke and the Isartor. The picture on the right shows the Zweibrückenstrasse from underneath the Isartor. The picture above shows the Ludwigsbrucke. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The Ludwigsbrucke during the putschroute in 1938

Left: Hitler speaks at the Bürgerbräukeller Centre: After being released from prison Hitler speaks  at the Bürgerbräukeller on February 27, 1925. About 4000 men were inside, a lot of people couldn’t get in. Right: The Bürgerbräukeller after the attack of Georg Elser (November, 9, 1939)

In front of the Bürgerbraukeller on November 9, 1938  

The Bürgerbraukeller after the war

A postcard of the inside of the Bürgerbraukeller

(scan of the card recieved from a helpful source from the Netherlands)

The Bürgerbraukeller in the 70’s

(picture: Leif Stjerna)

The Feldhernhalle today (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The end of the Residenzstrasse with the Feldhernhalle at the left (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The plaque with the names  of the four policemen (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Hitler at the Odeonsplatz in November 1939 honouring the people that died in the Georg Elser attack on the Bürgerbräukeller On putsch remeberance day (here in 1938) the so called ‘Blutfahne’ was lowered. Julyus Streicher is standing on the right side of the flag. (picture: München, Hauptstadt der Bewegung, 1919-1938, 2006) Every year on November 9 the nazi’s remembered the putsch. (picture: München, Hauptstadt der Bewegung, 1919-1938, 2006) When war broke out in 1914 a large crowd of people gathered at the Odeonsplatz. One of them was Adolf Hitler. (picture: Heinrich Hoffmann) The police takes over the Odeonsplatz during the putsch About the same location as the Hitler picture above this one (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2012) The Feldhernhalle from the side of the Residenzstrasse (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2012) When the flag was lowered Hitler and his old comrades raised their arms. (picture: München, Hauptstadt der Bewegung, 1919-1938, 2006) At midnight 9-10 November new SS-recrutes take the oath on Adolf Hitler on the Odeonsplatz.  (picture: München, Hauptstadt der Bewegung, 1919-1938, 2006) The Residenzstrasse as seen from the Odeonsplatz  (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2006) The Residenzstrasse today. At the end of the street is the Odeonsplatz with the Feldhernhalle.  (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2012) Blutenburgstrasse 18 today (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2012) Villa family Hanfstaengl (5) Location: Pienzenauer Strasse 52 Today: looks like it’s still there  When Hitler was released from prison in 1924, he spend Christmas at the house of the family of Ernst Hanfstaengl. Landsberg am Lech (6) SEE LANDSBERG Hitler was kept in the Landsberg prison from the 11th of November 1923 until the 20th of December 1924. A drawing of Hitler and his lawyer at court  in 1924

Kriegsschule, trial Hitler (3)

Location: Corner Blutenburgstrasse/Pappenheimstrasse, Pappenheimstrasse 14

Today: The area was bombed. A part of the building is still there.

After the putsch Hitler went on trial at the Kriegsschule in the Pappenheimerstrasse.

The Kriegschule in February 1924 (picture: Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-00287, München, Hitler-Ludendorf-Prozess, Feb. 1924) The remaining part of the Kriegsschule today. The area has changed a lot. (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2012) The entrance to the building.  (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2012) A 1922 map of the area of the Kriegsschule  (picture: The trial at the Blutenburgstrasse. Hitler, leaning his head in his hand, is behind the man in the circle.  (picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936) The Blutenburgstrasse  during the trial.  (picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936)

An old drawing of the War Ministry

(picture: public domain)

The War Ministry is still there. The picture on the right shows the building from the inner courtyard.

(picture: public domain)


München putsch related weergeven op een grotere kaart
1. Bayerische Kriegsministerium  2. Uffing  3. Kriegsschule   4. Blutenburgstrasse 18   5. Pienzenauerstrasse 52   6. Landsberg prison


For years in a row (until the war started) Hitler met his old friends (Alten Kämpfer) on November 8. On November 9 they walked the route of 1923 again. They didn’t stop at the Residenzstrasse, but they went on to the Königsplatz, where the Ehrenhallen were, in honour of the fallen.  

The route continued. Here the parade leaves the Brienerstrasse and goes up the Karolinenplatz.

Corner Brienerstrasse-Carolinenplatz today  (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2012) The Brienerstrasse. In the back of the picture is the Carolinenplatz. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2012)

Grotere kaart weergeven
PUTSCH MüNCHEN The Weinstrasse  (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2010) The Marienplatz with the new cityhall (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2010)