From left to right: the inside of the church, the cemetery, a hallway and the inner courtyard  (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) The entrance of the abbey (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) Right: An old picture made inside the abbey. Underneath the swastika the year 1869 is engraved. Twenty years before Hitler's birthday. The main building of the abbey (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) The new building on the left (across the Bahnhofstrasse) is where the school was that Hitler went to. The northwing of the abbey is on the right. (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) The main courtyard. Below the stairs is the well with the swastika on the top stone of the arch. (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) The courtyard from two sides (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) The swastika on the top  stone of the arch (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) LAMBACH Gasthaus Leingartner(5) Location: Marktplatz/Klosterplatz, right across the road to the Benedictine Monastry Today: Still there The family Hitler moved to Lambach in 1897. They lived in this guesthouse for a short period. Gasthaus Leingartner  (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) An old picture of Gasthaus Leingartner (from after the war) (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages)  of the maker The abbey and the Gasthaus (end of the street, left) on one picture (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) From left to right: the front of the building with the entrance, the entrance from up close and a picture  of what’s above it (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) The main entrance to the property  (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) The house on Sand 7  (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) The back of the house (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) The view towards the house from underneath the bridge (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) Both pictures on the right: the Volksschule in Fischlham (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) The backside of the school (picture: used by permission, The Hitlerpages) FISCHLHAM

Michaelskirche (9)
Location: Michaelerplatz/Kirchengasse

Today: Still there
The painting shown below is a paiting that is said to have been made by Adolf Hitler. It is revered to as Schloss Lamberg, but it is the Michaelskirche in Steyr. Schloss Lamberg is on the other side of the river.The Realschule mentioned above is very nearby and may be part of the complex.

Hitler's painting of the Michaelskirchetoday (above)

(picture: wikipedia)


All four villages on this page have to do with Hitler’s life as a young boy in Austria. Fischlham is the place where Hitler received his first aducation, when he and his family lived in Hafeld. After Hafeld they moved to Lambach, where Hitler went to school at the local monastery. When Hitler was a little older, he went to school in Steyr, after not finishing Realschule in Linz.    

1. Fischlham school

2. Rauschergut, Hafeld

3. Benediktiner Monastery, Lambach

4. Volksschule, Lambach

5. Gasthaus Leingartner, Lambach

6. Schmiedmühle, Lambach

7. Realschule, Steyr

8. House of Ignaz Kammenhofer, Steyr

9. Michaelskirche



Fischlham, Hafeld, Lambach and Steyr weergeven op een grotere kaart