Michaelskirche (9)
Location: Michaelerplatz/Kirchengasse
Today: Still there
The painting shown below is a paiting that is said to have been made by Adolf Hitler. It is revered to as Schloss Lamberg, but it is the Michaelskirche in Steyr. Schloss Lamberg is on the other side of the river.The Realschule mentioned above is very nearby and may be part of the complex.
Hitler's painting of the Michaelskirchetoday (above)
(picture: wikipedia)
All four villages on this page have to do with Hitler’s life as a young boy in Austria. Fischlham is the place where Hitler received his first aducation, when he and his family lived in Hafeld. After Hafeld they moved to Lambach, where Hitler went to school at the local monastery. When Hitler was a little older, he went to school in Steyr, after not finishing Realschule in Linz.
1. Fischlham school
2. Rauschergut, Hafeld
3. Benediktiner Monastery, Lambach
4. Volksschule, Lambach
5. Gasthaus Leingartner, Lambach
6. Schmiedmühle, Lambach
7. Realschule, Steyr
8. House of Ignaz Kammenhofer, Steyr
9. Michaelskirche