Hitler visited Berchtesgaden since the 1920’s. He stayed at Hotel Deutsches Haus for a longer period. When he became chancellor, a lot of visitors came to Berchtesgaden and the Obersalzberg. In that period a new station was built. It’s still there. The Berchtesgadener Hof Hotel, where a lot of prominent nazi’s stayed, doesn’t exist anymore.

1. Bahnhof

2. Postamt

3. Tunnel where Göring hid his art

4. Guardhouse

5. Berchtesgadener Hof Hotel  

6. Hotel Deutsches Haus

7. Grave of Paula Hitler

8. Pension Sonnenfels

9. Hansenerweg 1

10. Grave Dietrich Eckart

11. Sonnblickhäusl

12. Hotel Watzman

13. Hotel Post


Berchtesgaden weergeven op een grotere kaart

Hotel Deutsches Haus (6)

Location: Maximilian Strasse 6

Today: Sparkasse (Bank)

Adolf Hitler stayed in this hotel (with breaks) for two years. He wrote a part of the second part of Mein Kampf here.

A lot of political friends came over and stayed at the hotel. At ground level the family Reiter had a clothes shop. Hitler saw the daughter Mimi Reiter once playing with a dog in the Kurparks nearby. He talked with her in the park. A short affair followed. She died in 1992 (lonely and as an alcoholic) with the idea that she was the most important love Hitler ever had.

Above: Hotel Deutsches Haus

(picture: www.usarmygermany.com)

Centre: Maximilian Strasse 6 today (picture: HB Health & Education, Sweden)

Centre, below: The bank has been renovated. It has been painted grey. The yellow house on the right used to be painted green  

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2018)

This is a park entrance on the Maximilian Strasse (Franziskaner Platz). The small park on the hillside runs along the entire Maximilian Strasse. (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2006)

Grave of Paula Hitler (7)

Location: Bergfriedhof, Oberschönauerstrasse

Today: The graveyard still there; the gravemarker with the name Paula Hitler has been removed in 2005, but it’s back since September 2017.

The Bergfriedhof is the cemetery where Paula Hitler was burried. In 2005 the gravemarker was removed. The names of Cornelia and Hermann Reif, the couple that had maintained Paula Hitler’s grave, were put up there, maybe covering Paula’s name. They are said to have been burried in the same grave as Paula, who’s name is visible again since September 2017.

The minister Fritz Todt and the general Rudolf Schmundt also have a cenotaph  on this graveyard. Their remains were not burried here, though.

The original grave of Paula Hitler (1896 - 1960) (picture received from a helpfull source in Germany, the Hitlerpages)

The grave site in 2009. Paula Hitler’s name was covered. (picture: JJ, all rights reserved, the Hitlerpages)

The grave site in 2018. Paula Hitler’s name is back. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2018)

The only grave of a close relative with the same surname as Adolf Hitler is on the Bergfriedhof in Berchtesgaden.

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2018)

Addresses of Paula Hitler after 1941

1. 1941: Weiten, she lived in a house with her nephew Eduard Schmidt

2. 1945: Room in hotel Vorderbrand, Vorderbrandstrasse 91, Schönau am Königssee (still there)

3. 1949: Pension Sonnenfels, Königsseerstrasse 6, Berchtesgaden (8)

4. 1954: Hansererweg 1, Berchtesgaden, small house right across the station, across the water (the Ache) (9)

5. 1960: According to Wolfgang Zdral, Paula Hitler lived at the house of her friend Maria Reiter (Adolfs ex-girlfriend) in Schönau during the last weeks of her life. She died on 1 June, 1960.

The Hansereweg area. Somewhere around here Paula Hitler must have lived since 1954. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2018)

Gasthof Vorderbrand is in the mountains and can be reached by car coming from the Obersalzberg or from Schönau. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2018)

The location of former pension Sonnenfels (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2018)

Sonnblickhäusl (11)

Location: Locksteinstrasse 21, behind the Hilgerchapel

Today: Private residence

In this house Hitler's mentor Dietrich Eckart died. If Hitler was ever there, is unknown.

Hotel Watzmann (12)

Location: Franziskanerplatz 2

Today: Still there

On July 1, 1923 Hitler held a speech at the Hotel Watzmann.

Hotel Watzmann today (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2018)

Hotel Post (13)

Location: Maximilianstrasse 2

Today: Taken down recently. The Panoramahotel Edelweiss is located here now.

When Eva Braun wasn’t allowed to stay at Haus Wachenfeld (that became the Berghof later) yet, she stayed at hotels like the Hof Hotel, the hotel on the Obersalzberg and this hotel: Hotel Post.

Hotel Edelweiss replaces the old hotel. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2016)

The old hotel Post was taken down.

(picture: copyright unknown)

Alter Friedhof, grave Dietrich Eckart (10)

Location: Baumgartenallee (street behind the parking place on the Maximilian Strasse)

Today: Still there

Dietrich Eckart was a nationalist and a mentor of Hitler in his early days. He died just after the failed nazi putsch in December of 1923. His grave is on the first row of graves behind the wall.

On the wall are stones to commemarate the sons of Berchtesgaden, who died in the war.

The grave of Dietrich Eckart

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006)

A stone of remembrance for a soldier who died in Russia

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006)

The alter Friedhof in Berchtesgaden

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2018)

The grave twelve years later. The trees next to the gravestone have grown pretty high. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006)

Guardhouse (4)

Location: Schiesstattbrucke (at the beginning of the Salzberger Strasse leading to the Obersalzberg)

Today: Used to be a pizzeria, but it seems to be without a function now.

This little guardhouse was part of the security of the Obersalzberg. The Führerhauptquartiere of Adolf Hitler usually had different so called Sperrkreise, or defense zones. This guardhouse was part of a zone around the Obersalzberg.

This guardhouse was the first one to pass going up the Obersalzberg. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2006-2016)

Gasthaus Zur Krone

Location: Unknown

On July 1, 1923 Hitler held a speech at the Gasthaus Zur Krone.

Haus and Strandbad Schorn

Location: Unknown

On June 27, 1932 Hitler held two speeches in Berchtesgaden. One in Haus Schorn, for about 50 people and one at the Strandbad Schorn.


Location: Unknown

On July 10, 1932 Hitler held a speech at the Festplatz, for more than 15.000 people.

Berchtesgadener Hof Hotel (5)

Location: Corner Gmundbergstrasse and Hanielstrasse

Today: Taken down, a museum (Haus der Berge) is built there.

The hotel was originally not a nazi-building. The nazi’s bought it in 1936. A lot of famous visitors of the Berghof stayed at the hotel. Eva Brown, before she was living at the Berghof, stayed here often (or at hotel Post). Rommel, Goebels, Himmler and Von Ribbentrop also stayed at the hotel. So did Neville Chamberlain and David Lloyd George. The hotel was taken down in 2006.

Hitler in front of the hotel

(picture: source unknown)

Two other pictures of the hotel after the war (pictures: source unknown)

The hotel after the war

(picture: source Edge of no return)

The hotel was replaced by the Haus der Berge

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2018)

The Haus der Berge from the back

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2018)

Tunnel where Göring tried to hide his art at the end of the war (3)

Location: Am Gütterbahnhof, behind the station

Today: Still there, but there is no track running into it anymore

Göring tried to hide a train full of art in a tunnel behind the station.

The Göring tunnel with on the picture on the right the end of the track that used to run into the tunnel

(pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2006)

Postamt (2)

Location: Bahnhofsplatz, next to the Bahnhof

Today: still there, the swastika in the flag on the wall has been removed.

On the 15th of January, 1935 Hitler held a speech on the radio, broadcasted from the Postamt in Berchtesgaden. He spoke about the victory of the Saarabstimmung. This Postamt was not here in 1935. A possible location of the Postamt where the speech took place is the location of the Postamt today: on the Ludwig Ganghofer Strasse.  

The building in the centre of the picture is the postoffice.

(picture: The Hitlerpages, 2006)

The mosaic work on the wall

of the postoffice

(picture: The Hitlerpages, 2006)

Bahnhof (1)

Location: Bahnhofsplatz, one of the first buildings in Berchtesgaden coming from Bad Reichenhall

Today: Still there, the Hitler-reception area is a travel agency now.

Berchtesgaden has got some typical Third Reich buildings. The Bahnhof is one of them. It was ready in 1940 and it had a reception for Hitler and his guests.

The station with the postoffice on the left (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2006)

The station of Berchtesgaden

(picture: The Hitlerpages, 2006)

The mosaic work on the wall of the station (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2006)

The station with on the right the reception for important guests (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2006)

A painting on the inside of the station (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2006)

The door to the private reception (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2006)




Berchtesgaden station from several sides (pictures: De Boer/Vermeulen, the Hitlerpages, 2016)

Dietrich Eckart

(picture: source unknown)

The Sonnblickhäusl (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2018)


Just some pictures of Berchtesgaden. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2018)