Nürnberg, Parteitag 1929: Hitler and the Blutfahne

(picture: copyright unknown)

ALLIED MILITARY TRIBUNAL, THE NÜRNBERG TRIALS Two smaller doors leading into the courtroom  (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) In 2006 there was a picture on the wall in the hall of what the courtroom looked like in the 40’s  (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) A memorial sign (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The grand courtroom door (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Room 600 is located behind the four windows in the centre of the building. (picture: De Boer/Vermeulen, the Hitlerpages, 2016) The part of the Palace of Justice where room 600 and the memorium are located. (picture: De Boer/Vermeulen, the Hitlerpages, 2016) Another picture of the courtroom  (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The courtroom in 2006 (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The prison behind the Palace of Justice (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The prison from the other side (picture: the Hitlerpages, 20016) Göring after he commited suïcide (picture: De Gestapo, 2004) Göring in his cell in Nürnberg (picture: De Gestapo, 2004) Three of the windows of room 600  (picture: De Boer/Vermeulen, the Hitlerpages, 2016) The entrance of the building (picture: De Boer/Vermeulen, the Hitlerpages, 2016) There’s a model of the courtroom at the memorium (picture: De Boer/Vermeulen, the Hitlerpages, 2016) The benches on which the defendants were sitting during the trial  (picture: De Boer/Vermeulen, the Hitlerpages, 2016) Hotel Deutscher Hof today (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2019) An old postcard of the famous ‘Führerhotel’ (scan of the picture received from a helpful source from the Netherlands) Braunes Haus/ Hitler Haus/ NSDAP Gauhaus (8) Location: Marienplatz 5 Today: still there, restored, used by the press: the Nürnberger Nachrichten Nürnberg had its own ‘Braune Haus’. Left: Hitler at the construction site of the Braunes Haus Above: The building after it was ruined at the end of the war Festhalle Location: unknown On September 2, 1923 Hitler was in Nürnberg for the Deutschen Tages. He spoke at the Festhalle. The inside of the Festhalle Speech at the Rosenausaal Location: unknown On August 1, 1920 Hitler held a speech in the Rosenausaal. Herkulessaal/ Herkulessaalbau Location: unknown Hitler  held speeches at the Herkulessaal in Nürnberg, for instance on December 4, 1925 and on August 1 and December 8, 1926, March 23 and June 9, 1927 and March 22, 1929. Bäckerherberge Location: unknown Hitler held a speech at the Bäckerherberge on March 2, 1925. Lehrerheim Location: Frauentorgraben 29 Today: unknown Hitler held a speech at the Lehrerheim on December 3, 1928. Wiesenterrasse Location: unkown Hitler held a speech at the Wiesenterrasse on August 4, 1929, on occasion of the Reichsparteitages.

Trauerede Philipp Michael Schuhmacher

Location: unknown

On November 27, 1933 Hitler held a Trauerede for Philipp Michael Schuhmacher of the Infanterieregiment 21.

Speech at the Hundertjahrfeier der deutschen Eisenbahn - Güterbahnhof

Location: An exhibition for this occasion took place at the Umladehallen of the Nürnberger Güterbahnhofs, Hitler must have been there and his speech maybe took place at this location. Exact location: unknown.

Today: unknown

On December 8, 1934 Hitler held a speech at the 100-year jubilee of the German railway.

The Kulturverein in Nürnberg is no longer there.

Apollotheater (14)

Location: Pfannenschmiedsgasse 22

Today: ruined at the end of the war, there are shops and a shopping mall now

On September 5, 1934 Hitler held a speech at the Kulturtagung of the Reichsparteitages. On September 13, 1935 he spoke to the foreign-organisation of the NSDAP here. During other Parteitage Hitler also spoke for the Kulturtagung, but the exact location wasn’t mentioned by our sources. It could well be at this same location.

A postcard of the hotel Wittelsbach and the Apollotheater (1914)

Adolf-Hitler-Platz or Hauptmarkt (13)

Location: Hauptmarkt

Today: still there

Many nazi-manifestations took place here, on the Adolf-Hitler-Platz. The picture below shows Hitler on the square.

The Frauenkirche on the Hauptmarkt (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2019)

Hitler at the Adolf Hitler Platz on September 13, 1936. On the background the St. Sebalduskirche.

The Hauptmarkt today, with the St. Sebalduskirche (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2019)

 Hitler on the Adolf Hitler Platz in 1938

Parteitag 1934, in front of the Frauenkirche (picture: De geschiedenis van de Hitlerjugend, 2003)

THE CITY OF NÜRNBERG Adolf Hiter and Heinrich Himmler at the airport of Nürnberg (picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936)

Information stands give information about the part rally grounds.

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006)

Grandstand on the side of the Grosse Strasse. View in direction of the Märzfeld-area (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Steps of the grandstand (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Grosse Strasse. View in direction of the Volksfestplatz behind the Kongresshalle (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Three picture of the small buildings behind the tribunes surrounding the field (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The backside of the tribune (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Doors in the back of the tribune (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The tribune on the left side of the building (facing the tribune)  (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The door on the left side of the building (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The speaker’s platform. A symbolic picture...  (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The Zeppelintribüne  (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The door behind the speaker’s platform  (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The Zeppelintribüne with the speaker’s platform in the centre (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Left, centre and right: The Zeppelintribune as it was  (picture: copyrights unknown) The Kongresshalle. The first two pictures were taken from the path between the Zeppelinfield and the Grosse Strasse, behind the dried up ‘lake’ Grosse Dutzendeich, the last one from up the roof of the Ehrenhalle. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2006+2016) The Luitpold ‘Arena’ as seen from the roof of the Ehrenhalle (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The steps of the arena are still there. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Another view of the arena. You can see the round shape of it here. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The Ehrenhalle in plastic (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Information stand near the Ehrenhalle. Hitler is in the  centre of the picture.  (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The Ehrenhalle is a memorial  for WW I (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The same view as the picture with Hitler on it, today (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The spot were Hitler stood. The actual stones were he stood on are no longer there (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) At ground level (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Inside the Ehrenhalle (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The Ehrenhalle  (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006) Behind the Ehrenhalle is another monument: for WW I and WW II (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006)

Luitpoldhalle - Alte Kongreshalle (Festhalle Luitpoldhain)(5)

Location: Bayernstrasse, Luitpoldhain-side

Today: parking place and Sealife

In 1906 there was a congress about industrie and art on the Luitpoldhain. The buildings that were made, were taken down again, exept the Maschinenhalle. It was renovated and called Luitpoldhalle (or Alte Kongresshalle)

Hitler already spoke at the Luitpoldarea in 1927. In 1932, on March 7, April 6 and October 13, he spoke (each time to about 30.000 people) at the Alte Kongreshalle. The facade of the Luitpoldhalle was changed in nazi-times.   

The Luitpoldhalle before the makeover


The Luitpoldhalle after the makeover

Hitler, Hess and in the background Goebbels inside the Luitpoldhalle

(source: einestages.spiegel.de)

Franken-Stadion (6)

Location: Max-Morlock-Platz 1, near the Zeppelinfield

Today: Easycredit-Stadion

On July 30, 1932 Hitler spoke at the Stadion of Nürnberg. On September 8, 1934 Hitler spoke to the Hitler Jugend in the Nürnberger Stadion. On September 14, 1935 Hitler spoke to 54.000 members of the Hitlerjugend here.

Left: Hitler speaks at the Frankenstadion, probably on September 11, 1937. Behind Hitler are Baldur-von Schirach and Hess

(picture: www.napolun.com)

Centre: Hitler leaving the stadium on September 10, 1938

The stadium today

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2016)


1. Zeppelintribune/Zeppelinfield

2. Große Straße

3. Kongresshalle

4. Luitpold Arena and Ehrenhalle

5. Luitpoldhalle

6. Franken-Stadion

7. Military Tribunal

8. Braune Haus

9. Hotel Deutscher Hof

10. Location Kulturvereinshaus

11. Leonhardspark

12. Rathaus

13. Hauptmarkt, St. Sebalduskirche, Frauenkirche

14. Apollotheater

Nürnberg weergeven op een grotere kaart




The Zeppelinfield  (pictures: De Boer, Vermeulen, the Hitlerpages, 2016) Some more impressions of the zeppelin stand  (pictures: Vermeulen, the Hitlerpages, 2016) The tribune needs to be renovated  (pictures: Vermeulen, the Hitlerpages, 2016) Inside the tribune is the ‘Goldener Saal’.  (pictures: copyright Ralf Roletschek/fahrradmonteur.de, wikipedia) The building for power supply. A nazi-eagle with swastika used to hang above the door. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2018)

Rathaus (12)

Location: Rathausplatz 2, east of the Sebalduskirche

Today: still there, large parts were destroyed in 1945, but the buildings were restored

On August 30, 1933 Hitler spoke at the Rathaus of Nürnberg. On September 4, 1934 and September 10, 1935 Hitler held a speech at the Rathaus to open the Parteitage. On September 8, 1936 Hitler opened the Reichsparteitage in front of the Rathaus (city-hall). In that year he was in Nürnberg from September 8 until September 14. He held different speeches at different locations during the yearly Reichsparteitage for the Reichsarbeidsdienst, the NS-Frauenschaft, the Hitlerjugend, the SA and SS, the Wehrmacht etc.

On September 8, 1937 he opened the Parteitage of 1937, that took place from 6 until 13 September. In 1938 the Parteitage took place from 6 until 12 September. Hitler, once again, opened them at the Rathaus.

The Rathaus of Nürnberg

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2019)

The OPernhaus today (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2019)