The Schmeroldkeller in Passau in 1914


Altdeutsche Bierstube Location: Unknown When Hitler spoke in the Schmeroldkeller on August 7, 1922, he spend the night at the Altdeutsche Bierstube, a location where young national-socialists used to hang out. Omnibus Hotel/Gasthaus Omnibus Location: Near the station. Exact location unknown. During his last visit to Passau, on October 27, 1928 Hitler attended a meeting in the Schmeroldkeller. He also held a speech at the Gasthaus Omnibus. Peschlkeller (4) Location: Auerspergstrasse 2 Today: Still there On June 17, 1923 Hitler  spoke at the Peschlkeller in Passau. PASSAU Hitler's home (1) Location: Theresienstrasse 23 Today: Hairstylist Hitler's family lived in the Theresienstrasse until May 1, 1893, when they moved to the Kapuzinerstrasse.

The house on the Theresienstrasse where the young Adolf Hitler used to live with his family.

(pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2012)

The houses on the Innstadtbahnhofweg/Kapuziner-strasse from the front

(picture: The Hitlerpages, 2012)

The houses on the backside look out over the river Inn.

(picture: The Hitlerpages, 2012)

The red house is a remake of the old house that was there.

(picture: The Hitlerpages, 2012)

A part of Passau lies in between the river Donau and the river Inn. Behind the house where Hitler lived as a child, runs the river Inn. The pictures on the left and in the centre show the river banks where the young Adolf played. The buildings on the other side of the river are also in Passau. The picture on the right shows where the Donau devides in two. (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2012)

Löwenbrauerei (3) Location: Franz Stockbauerweg 13 Today: Still there Wen Hitler was in Passau on August 8, 1922, he visted Franz Stockbauer, the owner of the Löwenbrauerei. PFAFFENHOFEN

An old picture of the inside of the Müllerbräu

REGENSBURG Alte Rathaus (8) Location: Rathausplatz 1 Today: Still there On October 22, 1933 Hitler spoke at the Rathaus of Regensburg. On June 6, 1937 Hitler spoke to 200.000 people in Regensburg on the Parteitag of the Bayerische Ostmark. Hitler leaving the Alte Rathaus in October 1933 Speeches in Regensburg Location: Unknown On June 23, 1923 Hitler spoke at an unknown location in Regensburg. On April 6, 1932 Hitler spoke to 8.000 people inside a tent. Stadthalle (10) Location: Stadtpark (Prüfeningerstraße) Today: Destroyed in 1945 On May 18, 1930 Hitler held a speech at the Stadthalle in Regensburg. ROSENHEIM Hermann Göring was born in Rosenheim. The Pernlohnerkeller in 1900 Speech Pernlohnerkellern (13) Location: (Weiler) Am Rossacker 7 (used to be next to the Rossackerkapelle) Today: There must be some remains of this old farm/brewery at this location. On August 6, 1920 Hitler spoke here. Hotel Deutscher Kaiser (15) Location: Prinzregentenstrasse 3/ Münchenerstrasse Today: Only the facade is still there. On April 17, 1932 Hitler spoke to 2.000 people inside this hotel.

Left: An old postcard of the hotel   Centre:  A picture of the hotel (picture: Stadtarchiv)  

Right: Inside the hotel (picture: Stadtarchiv)

The old road from Rosenheim to Berchtesgaden Somewhere in 1933 Hitler was in Rosenheim to pick up guests from München. On the way back to Berchtegaden shots are fired at Hitler's car. No one got hurt. The shooter(s) have never been caught.

Speech at the 15 year jubilee of the NSDAP-Ostgruppe (16)

Location: Max-Joseph-Platz

Today: Still there

On August 11, 1935 Hitler drove through the Königstrasse to the Hofbräusaal, where Hitler was welcomed by party members. Later that afternoon he held a speech on the Max-Joseph-Platz, on occasion of the the 15 year existance of the NSDAP-Ostgruppe. There were 10.000 people there to listen.

A view towards the Max-Joseph-Platz. The pink and blue building in the background are on the square.


Hitler in Rosenheim

(picture: Stadtarchiv Rosenheim)

Hitler speaks on the Max-Joseph- Platz (picture: Stadtarchiv Rosenheim)

Rosenheim meeting 1922 Location: Unknown On October 28, 1922 Adolf Hitler spoke at a meeting in some kind of meeting hall in Rosenheim. POCKING SCHWARZENBACH AM WALD Speech Location: Unknown Hitler spoke at Schwarzenbach on June 16, 1929. SCHWEINFURT Saalbau (18) Location: Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse 20 Today: Not sure if this is the right location. Hitler spoke at the Saalbau on December 14, 1928. The Adolf Hitler Schüler SONTHOFEN Hitler at the dedication of the Ordensburg in April 1936 SELB Speech in a tent near the Turnhalle (20) Location: Unknown Hitler spoke at Selb on October 14, 1932. TRAUNSTEIN Soldiers in Traunstein. Hitler is the one with one cross, his fried Ernst Schmidt has two crosses Wochingersaal (26) Location: The location of the Wochinger Brauerei is St.Ostwaldstrasse 4 Today: Not sure On December 8, 1922 Hitler spoke at the Wochingersaal. Sailer-Keller (28) Location: Herzog-Wilhelm-Strasse 1 Today: Still there On April 17, 1932 Hitler spoke at the Turnhalle, the Hutter-Sailer-Saal and the Sailer-Keller. The Sailer-Keller is a Hotel/Gasthaus in Traunstein. Hitler drives through Traunstein Location: Unknown Some pictures show Hitler on March 27 or 28, 1933 driving through the streets of Traunstein. STRAUBING Kronensaal (23) Location: Ludwigplatz Today: Unsure. The Kronensaal burned down somewhere in 1975 Hitler spoke at the Kronensaal on April 11, 1928. TEGERNSEE Hitler at the steering wheel of a boat on the Tegernsee STEPHANSKIRCHEN/SCHLOßBERG Speech in Stephanskirchen/Schloßberg (22) Location: Unknown On April 17, 1932 Hitler spoke in this area. TEGERNSEE - SANKT QUIRIN AM TEGERNSEE Adolf Hitler and Franz Xaver Schwarz in Sankt Quirin (picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936) WEYARN Mangfallbrucke (36) Location: Bridge over the Mangfalltal between München and Rosenheim, north of Weyarn. The road under it is called Mühlthal. Today: Still there The bridge was build in the 1930’s. There are some pictures of Hitler near the bridge. Hitler near the bridge WUNSIEDEL The grave of Rudolf Hess WEIßENBURG Evangelischen Vereinshaus (35) Location: Unknown Adolf Hitler held a speech here on July 19, 1931. WÜRZBURG Speech Location: Unknown On March 20, 1921 Hitler was in Würzburg for a speech. Harmoniesaal Location: Unknown On October 11, 1925 Hitler held a speech at the Harmoniesaal. Although several sources on the internet mention the existance of this hall, I don’t know the exact address of it yet. Würzbuger Hof Hotel (40) Location: Barbarossaplatz Today: Still there  When Hitler was in Würzburg he used to stay at the Würzburger Hof Hotel. The website Third Reich Ruins has a picture of Hitler in front of the hotel from August 1933. VILSBIBURG

The Gewerbehalle of Vilsbiburg. If you know more about the exact location of the Gewerbehalle, please contact me here.

(picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936)

Adolf Hitler speaks at the Gewerbehalle of Vilsbiburg

(picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936)

The hall couldn’t hold all the people that came to watch.

(picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936)

Inside the hall  

(picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936)

WEILHEIM Bräuwastlsaal (34) Location: Unknown Today: It seems that the hall still existed in 1963, what happened after that is unknown. Adolf Hitler held a speech here on September 3, 1921. WEIDEN Tent on the Sportplatz des Turnerbundes (33) Location: Unknown Today: On both sides of the Ludwig-Wolker-Weg are sporting fields.  On October 13, 1932 Hitler spoke to 10.000 people on the Sportplatz in Weiden. UNTERHACHING

Hitler during his speech

(Picture: Bundesarchiv,

BAYERN 1 & 2

Bayern is the German state where Hitler's political activities started. When Hitler came to Germany he lived in the capitol of Bayern, München. His first speeches in the 20’s mostly took place in Bayern. On this page (and the Bayern 1 & 2 pages) you’ll find all locations in Bayern I could find so far, except for the ones in München, Nürnberg and the Obersalzberg area. They have a page of their own.      

1. Hitler's home, Passau  2. Hitler's second home, Passau 3. Löwenbrauerei, Passau

4. Peschlkeller, Passau 5.+ 6. Müllerbräu, Pfaffenhofen 7. Ausstellungshalle, Pocking

8. Alte Rathaus, Regensburg 9. Walhalla, Regensburg 10. Stadthalle, Regensburg 11. Hofbräuhaus, Rosenheim 12. Flötzingersaal, Rosenheim 13. Pernlohnerkeller, Rosenheim 14. Saubräukeller, Rosenheim 15. Hotel Deutscher Kaiser, Rosenheim 16. Max-Joseph-Platz, Rosenheim 17. Schwarzenbach am Wald 18. Saalbau, Schweinfurt 19. Schützenplatz, Schweinfurt 20. Turnhalle, Selb

21. Ordensburg, Sonthofen 22. Stephanskirchen area 23. Kronensaal, Straubing 24. Tegernsee 25. Traunstein Camp 26. Wochingersaal, Traunstein 27. Hutter-Sailer-Saal, Traunstein      


Bayern 1 weergeven op een grotere kaart

28. Sailer-Keller, Traunstein 29. Krankenhaus, Traunstein 30. Unterfranken 31. Unterhaching 32. Vilsbiburg 33. Weiden 34. Weilheim 35. Weißenburg 36. Mangfallbrucke, Weyarn 37. Grave Hess, Wunsiedel 38. Frankenhalle, Würzburg 39. Ludwigshalle, Würzburg

40. Hof Hotel, Würzburg 41. Residenzplatz, Würzburg Go to Bayern 1 and to Bayern 2 for more locations.