Freilassing Gasthof Zur Krone (36) Location: Not sure; A hotel Krone is located at the Hauptstrasse 26, but it looks like it isn’t old enough. On July 3, 1927 Hitler held two speeches at the Gasthof Zur Krone in Freilassing. Freising Kolosseum (37) Location: Unknown; could be near the Vereinslokal beim Urbanbräu at the Korbinianstrasse 2 Hitler did a speech at the Kolosseum in Freising on February 12, 1928. Fürth Stadttheater Fürth (38) Location: Königstrasse 116 Today: Still there Somewhere in 1938 Hitler was in the Stadttheater in Fürth. An old Stadttheater in Fürth Gasthof Schwarzes Kreuz (39) Location: Königstrasse 81 Today: Still there Hitler speeched at the Schwarzen Kreuz on September 26, 1925. On the same day he also held a speech at the Evangelischen Vereinshaus. Evangelischen Vereinshaus Location: Unknown Hitler held a speech at the Evangelischen Vereinshaus on September 26, 1925. On the same day he also held a speech at the Scharzen Kreus.

A postcard of Geismann’s Saal in Fürth

Adolf Hitler in front of Geismann’s Saal (picture: Fest & Hoffmann, 2005)

Garmisch Partenkirchen

Hitler during his speech to

open the wintergames


Hitler and Goebbels


Hitler opening the wintergames

(picture: Bundesarchiv, source:

Hitler at the balcony of the ski stadium

Hitler at the opening of the wintergames

Hitler opening the wintergames

(picture: Bundesarchiv)

Kempten Kornhaus (56) Location: Großer Kornhausplatz 1 Today: Still there Hitler held a speech at the Kornhaus on March 24, 1928. Square Tierzuchthalle (57) Location: Kotterner Straße corner Tierzuchtstrasse Today: The Tierzuchthalle is called Allgauhalle today On July 30, 1932 Hitler spoke on the square of the Tierzuchthalle for about 30.000 people.

An old picture of the Tierzuchthalle   

Neue Rathaus (55)

Location: Ludwigsplatz

Today: Still there

On October 22, 1933 Hitler visited Kelheim. Many members of the SA had gathered for the event. A picture found on the internet shows him coming out of the doorway of the Rathaus. A helpfull source that visited the area helped us identify the location.

 Left: Hitler in Kelheim coming out of the new cityhall.




Location: Befreiungshallestraße 3

Today: Still there

On October 22, 1933 Hitler spoke at the Befreiungshalle in Kelheim. Many members of the SA had gathered for the event.

Hitler in front of the hall


On the artobriga website are a lot of pictures of Hitler's visit to Kelheim.

Parade SA in Kelheim (54)

Location: Somewhere in front of a gate

On October 22, 1933 Hitler visited Kelheim. Hitler saw the parade of SA-men in fornt of a tribune, somewhere in Kelheim.

This picture shows Hitler in front of a gate somewhere in Kelheim.


Hof an der Saale Speech Hitler Location: Unknown Hitler held a speech in Hof on September 16, 1923. Schützenhaus Location: Unknown Hitler held a speech at the Schützenhaus on October 16, 1927. Speech inside a tent (48) Location: Volksfestplatz, exact location unknown On October 14, 1932 Hitler spoke to 12.000 people at the Volksfestplatz. Holzkirchen Oberbräusaal (50) Location: Unknown On February 2, 1928 Hitler held a speech at the Oberbräusaal. Ingolstadt Grossen Exerzierhalle (51) Location: Klenzepark, on the eastside right across from the Reduit Tilly On July 8, 1923 Hitler spoke at the Exerzierhalle in Ingolstadt. Schäffbräukeller (52) Location: Unknown, but there is a Schäffbräustrasse in Ingolstadt Today: Probably gone Hitler held a speech at the Schäffbräukeller on March 30 and October 7, 1928. The inside of the Schäffbräukeller


Schloss Neuschwanstein/ Richard-Wagner-Fest and Ehrenbürgerwürde (49)

Location: Neuschwansteinstraße

Today: Still there

On August 12, 1933 Hitler held a speech at the Schloss Neuschwanstein.


A recent picture of Schloss Neuschwanstein


Kolbermoor Speech in the Siebersaal (58) Location: Kolbermoor is a place near Rosenheim; exact location unknown Hitler held a speech in Kolbermoor on June 19, 1920 Kronach Koch’s-Saal (59) Location: Unknown Hitler did a speech in the Koch’s Saal in Kronach on July 30, 1925. Kulmbach The Rathaus (city hall) of Kulmbach  in nazi-times Realschule Kulmbach Turnhalle Realschule (60) Location: Kirchenweg Today: in June 2006 the old Tunhalle was taken down, the Realschule is called MGF-Gymnasium On Febuari 5, 1928 Adolf Hitler spoke in the Turnhalle der Realschule. Hesselberg Julius Streicher on the holy Hesselberg mountain (source: Grafing Turnhalle (43) Location: Unknown, could be on the Jahnstrasse Hitler spoke at the Turnhalle in Grafing on August 10, 1930. Hersbruck Turnhalle (46) Location: Unknown Hitler did a speech at the Turnhalle in Hersbruck on November 30, 1928. Turnhalle Location: Unknown Hitler was in Günzburgon July 6, 1930. He spoke at the Turnhalle. Günzburg Maschinenfabrik Mengele (45) Location: Industriestrasse 8-10 (today!) On October 11, 1932 Hitler spoke at the Maschinenfabrik of Mengele for 7.000 people. Landshut Jägerhalle Location: Unknown In 1921 Hitler held two speeches in the Jägerhalle in Landshut, the first one on March 21, the second one on August 27. On March 11, 1923 and June 17, 1927 he was there again.

Speech at the 15-year jubilee of the Ortsgruppe

Location: Unknown

On December 8, 1935 Hitler spoke in Landshut at the 15-year jubilee of the Ortsgruppe.

Lagerlechfeld Lagerlechfeld Truppenübungsplatz-miltary training (64) Location: Lechfelderstraße, probably behind the Bahnhof (Bahnhofstrasse) near the Landsbergerstrasse Hitler's regiment had its militairy training here, before it was send to the front in WW1. Lager Lechfeld (Russel, 2006) Memmingen Schiffsaal (65) Location: Unknown On January 18, 1928 Hitler held a speech at the Schiffsaal in Memmingen. Miesbach Waitzinger-Keller (66) Location: Schlierseer Strasse 16 Today: Renovated On April 17, 1932 Hitler held a speech at the Waitzinger Keller. Murnau Turnhalle (68) Location: Unknown Hitler held a speech at the Turnhalle at May 6, 1923. Neumarkt Gastwirtschaft Lammsbräu (71) Location: Amberger Strasse 1 Today: The Lammsbräu brewery is located at the Amberger Strasse 1; I’m not sure it’s the same one On June 7, 1935 Hitler had lumch in a restaurant called Lammsbräu. Neustadt an der Aisch Festplatz (72) Location: Karl-Ströbel-Weg Today: Parking place Hitler held a speech here on August 5, 1923. Löwensaal Location: Unknown Hitler held a speech at the Löwensaal January 15, 1928. Nördlingen Speech inside a tent on the Kaiserwiese (73) Location: The Kaiserwiese is a street and a square and a horsetrack north of the Innerer Ring Today: Square and horsetrack On October 11, 1932 Hitler spoke at the Kaiserwiese to about 4500 people. Mühldorf am Inn Hitler in Mühldorf Oberstaufen On January 10, 1931 Hitler visited Gregor Strasser at the hospital of Oberstaufen, because Strasser had a skiing-accident. Hitler arrived late afternoon by train. After he went to the hospital he held a speech at the Gasthaus Zum Ochsen.

Railway Station (75)
Location: Bahnhofplatz

Today: The original building is not longer there. The station is still at the same location, though.
When Hitler came to Oberstaufen on January 10, 1931 he arrived by train at this station.

Krankenhaus (76)

Location: Schloßbergstrasse/ Unterm Schloß
Today: The original building is not longer there. A new hospital was build.
Hitler visited Gregor Stasser at the hospital of Oberstaufen.

Gasthaus Zum Ochsen (77)

Location: Schloßstraße, near Kirchplatz, right across the road from Hotel Adler
Today: The building is stille there, but it’s no longer in use as a hotel. (The Gaststätte Zum Ochsen on the Kirchdorferstrasse 5 is not the right one.)
On January 10, 1931 Hitler held a speech at the Gaststätte Zum Ochsen.

Zum Ochsen, probably before 1920. A helpfull source from the area sent us this picture and some usefull information about Hitler's visit to Oberstaufen.

Marktredwitz (Dörflas) Turnhalle (64b) Location: Not sure, maybe on the Sportplatz On June 26, 1927 Hitler held a speech at the Turnhalle in Dörflas. Dörflas has become a part of Marktredwitz. The turnhalle of Dörflas i n 1925 Luisenburg Oberammergau Passionstheater (74) Location: Otmar-Weiss-Strasse 1 Today: Still there. The passion plays still take place. In August 1930 Hitler was at the passion play in Oberammergau. He was there again in 1934 when the 300th anniversary performance took place. Left: Hitler in Oberammergau, date and location unknown Right: Hitler with Innenminsiter and Gauleiter Adolf Wagner in Oberammergau Passionstheater in Oberammergau  in the 1930’s Frankentag der NSDAP (72a) Location: Unknown On occasion of the Frankentag der NSDAP, on October 2, 1927 Hitler held a speech in Neustadt bei Coburg.  (source: Klaus Mües-Baron, Heinrich Himmler, Afstiech des Reichsführers SS (1900-1933) Neustadt bei Coburg BAYERN 1 & 3

Bayern is the German state where Hitler's political activities started. When Hitler came to Germany he lived in the capitol of Bayern, München. His first speeches in the 20’s mostly took place in Bayern. On this page (and the Bayern 1 & 3 pages) you’ll find all locations in Bayern I could find so far, except for the ones in München, Nürnberg and the Obersalzberg area. They have a page of their own.      

35. Sporthalle, Forchheim 36. Gasthof zur Krone, Freilassing 37. Kolosseum, Freising

38. Stadttheater, Fürth 39. Gasthof Schwarzes Kreuz, Fürth 40. Geismannsaal, Fürth 41. Ski-Stadion, Garmisch-Partenkirchen 42. Friedhof, Gräfelfing 43. Turnhalle, Grafing

44. Sportplatz, Gunzenhausen

45. Maschinenfabrik Mengele, Günzburg

46. Turnhalle, Hersbruck 47. Hesselberg

48. Hof an der Saale 49. Scloß Neuschwanstein 50. Oberbräusaal, Holzkirchen

51. Exerzierhalle, Ingolstadt

52. Schäffbräukeller, Ingolstdat

53. Befreiungshalle, Kelheim 54. Parade, Kelheim 55. Rathaus, Kelheim 56. Kornhaus, Kempten 57. Tierzuchthalle, Kempten

58. Siebersaal, Kolbermoor     

Bayern 1 weergeven op een grotere kaart

59. Koch’s Saal, kronach 60. Turnhalle Realschule, Kulmnach 61. Landsberg Prison, Landsberg 62. Bayer Tor, Landsberg

63. Leiderersaal, Landshut 64. Lager Lechfeld 64a. Luisenburg 64b. Marktredwitz 65. Schiffsaal, Memmingen 66. Waitzinger-Keller, Miesbach 67. Rennbahn, Mühldorf am Inn 68. Turnhalle, Murnau 69. Denkmal Dietrich Eckart, Neumarkt 70. Marktplatz, Neumarkt 71. Lammsbräu, Neumarkt 72. Festplatz, Neustadt an der Aisch 72a. Neustadt bei Coburg 73. Kaiserwiese, Nördlingen

74. Passionstheater, Oberammergau 75. Station, Oberstaufen 76. Krankenhaus, Oberstaufen 77. Zum Ochsen, Oberstaufen

Go to Bayern 1 for number 1-34 and to Bayern 3 for more locations.

BAYERN 2 Gräfelfing

A lot of high placed nazi’s (for instance Hess, Goebbels and Göring) were present at the burial of Hitler’s driver.

The memorial stone that replaced Shreck’s grave.

(picture: Geoff Walden,

Hitler at Schreck’s grave.


Hitler at the Bayer Tor, just  after his release from prison (pictures: Heinrich Hoffmann, 1924) A better picture of the Bayer Tor  (picture: Rudolf Bauer, wikipedia) The location were Hitler stood in 1924.When I was there in 2016 they were working on the gate. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2016) Hitler at the Bayer Tor ten years later (picture: Heinrich Hoffmann, 1924) With the scaffolding and the fence in front of the gate, it was hard to make a similar picture.  (picture: Heinrich Hoffmann, 1924) Landsberg am Lech The main entrance of ‘Hitler’s prison’. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2016) The Landsberg prison as it was. Hitler's cell was in the marked wing of the building.  (pictures: copyright unknown) The Landsberg prison now. Hitler's wing is still there. The prison wall was modernised, but the gate in the wall is still at the same location. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2016)

A map of the original situation of the Landsberg prison. The wing where Hitler's cell was, is marked with the letter ‘K’. The wing was changed when the US-army turned the prison into War-Crime-Prison Nr. 1. Hitler's cell is not longer there. (Map: buergervereinigung-landsberg)

Adolf Hitler, Emile Maurice, Hermann Kriebel, Rudolf Hess and Friedrich Weber inside the Landsberg prison (picture: Heinrich Hoffmann, 1924)

Hermann Kriebel, Adolf Hitler and Emile Maurice inside the prison (picture: Heinrich Hoffmann, 1924)

Hitler's cell (picture: copyright unknown)

Hess inside his cell

(picture: Hitler's Handlangers, 2004)

Hitler inside the prison in 1934

(picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936)

Schaub, Hitler and Maurice back at the prison in 1934

(picture: Illustrierter Beobachter, 1936)

Rudolf Hess in front of the prison gate. He’s leaving prison here.

(picture: Hitler's Handlangers, 2004)

A postcard with a picture of Hitler's cell, dated 1935

(scan of the card received from a helpful source from the Netherlands)

The prison’s main gate where Hess stood. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2016)

Hitler’s cell was turned into a shrine after 1933. (picture: copyrights unknown)