Berlin South

Speers Schwerbelastungskörper was ment to test if the Berlin grounds could carry the large buildings that were planned. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2017)

Germania, Triumphal Arch and South Station (22-23)

Location: Arch: Bridge between the Dudenstrasse and the Kolonnenstraße. Station: At the end of the road, somewhere in the area of the General-Pape-Strasse

Today: Never realised

Adolf Hitler and Albert Speer had great plans with Berlin. An impressive road with large buildings had to run from the Platz der Republik to the General-Pape-Strasse. On the Platz der Republik a very large building, the Great Hall, was to be built. At the location where a bridge between the Dudenstrasse and the Kolonnenstraße is today an Arc de Triomphe was to be built. At the end of the road, somewhere in the area of the General-Pape-Strasse, a large station (South Station) had to arise. Although building had begun, for instance in the Reichstag-area, and families were already forced to leave their houses, not much of the plan was realised. Today for instance the changed location of the Siegessäule and the heavy load testing body on the corner of the General-Pape-Straße and the Löwenhardtdamm are among the few leftovers of the plans to build Germania.

A scale model of Germania. In front is the roof of the South Station. Behind it is the Arc de Triomph and in the back is the Great Hall.

(picture: Het Nazisme, 2007)

Practice Theo Morell 1935 - 1945 (33)
Location: Kurfürstendamm 216 (corner Fasanenstraße)

Today: Still there.
Theo Morell replaced his old practice for a better one on the Kurfürstendamm in 1935, but Morell travelled a lot, because Hitler wanted him around when he was not in Berlin.

Morells practice was located at the first floor of this building on the Kurfürstendamm

(picture: Neumann and Eberle, 2009)

The Engel Apothek on the Mohrenstraße. This is the building where Morell got Hitler's medication.

(picture: Neumann and Eberle, 2009)

Kurfürstendamm 216 today

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2010)

House of Leni Riefenstahl (34)
Location: Heydenstrasse 30

Today: Still there
In June 1937, after Leni Riefenstahl bought a new house in Berlin, Hitler and Goebbels came to take a look at it.

Hitler, Riefenstahl and Goebbels in the garden of Riefenstahl’s new house

A picture from LIFE Magazine of Goebbels, Riefenstahl and Hitler in the garden of the house

(picture: LIFE magazine)

The same group of people in the garden of the villa

Ilse Riefenstahl, Frau Dr. Ebersberg, Bertha Riefenstahl, Josef Goebbels, Heinz Riefenstahl, Leni Riefenstahl and Adolf Hitler at the house on the Heydenstrasse

The house that was once the property of Lenis Riefenstahl is still there.

Inside the house

Office Goebbels (35)
Location: Berliner Strasse

Today: Unknown
The first office of Josef Goebbels in Berlin was located somewhere in the Berliner Straße.

Goebbels in his office on the Berliner Straße (picture: Van Capelle and Van de Bovenkamp, 2007)

Villa Von Ribbentrop (36)
Location: Lentzeallee 7-9 (Berlin Dahlem)

Today: New built houses

The villa that used to be here belonged to foreign minister Von Rippentrop. Hitler and Von Papen met here in Januari 1933 to negotiate about Hitler’s appointment as chancellor.

Adolf Hitler visits Von Ribbentrop on his 46th birthday on April 30 (!), 1939 at Von Ribbentrops villa in Berlin Dahlem. (picture: Van Capelle and Van de Bovenkamp, 2007)

Von Ribbentrop’s villa with Himmlers car in front of it. (picture: Van Capelle and Van de Bovenkamp, 2007)

Practice Theo Morell 1919 - 1935 (32)
Location: Bayreuther Strasse 7

Today: Post-war buildings.
Theo Morell had his practice here until 1935.

Von Schleicher at the Sportpalast, January 15, 1933 (picture: source unknown) The Sportpalast on January 30, 1942 (picture: source unknown)

Left: Inside the Sportpalast in 1932 Right: Hitler and Goebbels shaking hands at the Sportpalast on January 20, 1933 (pictures: Hitler's Handlangers, 2004)

Above: The Sportpalast,  September 28, 1942 Left: Hitler speaks at the  Sportpalast during the  Sudeten-crisis  (pictures: source unknown)

The Sportpalast after the war

(picture: copyright unknown)

The Sportpalast was in 1977 replaced by a pretty ugly building called the Sozialpalast. It is called the Pallasseum now.The flat is built over a Hochbunker. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2017)

Hitler on Tempelhof on March 16, 1938

The Tempelhofer Feld on May 1, 1935


Hitler arrives at Tempelhof on the 30th of November 1932.

(pictures: Hitler's Handlangers, 2004)

Tempelhof on May 1, 1933

(picture: Reichshauptstadt Berlin, 2009)

Airport Tempelhof is not longer in use as an airfield. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2011)

The head building of Tempelhof (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2015)

Goebbels address in 1933 - Parteihaus NSDAP - Office NSDAP-paper Angriff (37)
Location: Hedemannstraße 10

Today: Still there

In the Berliner Adressbücher of 1933 this was mentioned as the address of Josef Goebbels. It was the address where the NSDAP-Kampfblad Der Angriff came from. Adolf Hitler visited the office of the NSDAP on July 14, 1928. It is sometimes referred to as the office on the Wilhelmstrasse: the Hedemannstrasse is a side street of the Wilhelmstrasse.

Hedemannstrasse 10 today

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2014)

Police detachment in front of the headquarters of the NSDAP in Berlin, Hedemannstrasse. On the window on the right is the sign of Der Angriff. (picture: Getty Images, 14 April 1932)

Goebbels headquarters in1932 (picture: wikipedia, Bundesarchiv 1932)

Hedemannstrasse 10 today

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2014)

Volksgerichtshof (people’s court) (44)

Location: Elsshozstrasse 30-33 (Heinrich-von-Kleist-Park)

Today: There’s still a court at this location, the so called Kammergericht. The building has been reconstructed like the original building. A memorial stone is at the park entrance.

The political court of the nazi’s, the Volksgerichtshof, was at first seated at the Pruissian House of Representatives (later Görings Fliegerhaus at the Prinz-Albrecht-Strasse/today: Niederkirchnerstrasse). After 1935 it was located at the Königliches Wilhelms-Gymnasium on the Bellevuestrasse 15 (near the Potsdammer Platz). From August 1944 until January 1945 the trials of the Volksgericht took place in the plenary chamber of the Kammergericht. The conspirators of 20 July 1944 were put on trial here. Roland Freisler was one of the presidents of the Volksgerichtshof (from August 1942 until February 1945).

The Volksgerichtshof at the House of Prussian Representatives on the Prinz-Albrecht-Strasse

(picture: Bundesarchiv, 1934)

The ruined location of the Volksgerichtshof near the Potsdamer Platz

(picture: Bundesarchiv, 1951)

House of Hermann Epenstein

Location: Fregestrasse 19

Today: Still there.

In 1896, when he was still a young boy, Hermann Göring and his family moved in with Hermann Epenstein. Hermann Göring’s mother had a relationship with him. Her husband stayed somewhere else.

The Göring family in 1998 at the house of Hermann Epenstein

(picture: source unkown, 1898)

As a boy Hermann Göring lived at the red house for a few years.

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2017)

Restaurant ‘Alois’ (12)
Location: Wittenbergplatz 3 (if the numbering hasn’t changed)

Today: There was an Italian restaurant on this address called Mola. The building was taken down in 2015. A new hotel is built there.
Adolf Hitler's half brother Alois had a restaurant here.

The former restaurant of Alois Hitler was called Mola.

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2009 & 2011)

A postcard of the restaurant ‘Alois’

(scanned postcard (1940) received from a helpful source from  Holland)

The location of the restaurant after it was taken down.

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2015)

From left to right: The Siegessäule on the Königsplatz in 1930 (Berlin, Damals und Heute, 2009), the pillar under construction (picture: Reichshauptstadt Berlin, 2009) and the Siegessäule today. Albert Speer added an extra part to the pillar, as you can see on the picture on the right. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2006)

Albert Speer’s Streetlights (14)
Location: Along the Strasse des 17 Juni

Today: A lot of the streetlights are still there.
Germania was never realised and the new Reichskanzlei was ruined after the war, but Albert Speer left Berlin the streetlights along the Strasse des 17. Juni.

The streetlights designed by Albert Speer (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2004)

Bendlerblock/Reichswehrministerium (15)

Location: Stauffenbergstraße (originally named Bendlerstrasse), south of the Tiergarten

Today: Still there

The Bendlerblock was erected between 1911 and 1914 and used by the Reich Navy Office. During the Weimar Republic the building served as the seat of the Reichswehr Command. The building serves as secondary office of the German Federal Ministry of Defence. It also is a major memorial for the plot against Hitler's life on July 20, 1944. In the courtyard of the building the conspirators (including Graf von Stauffenberg) were executed. On March 13, 1937 Hitler held a speech for Generalfeldmaschall von Blomberg, who served the army 40 years.

A bombed Bendlerblock at the end of the war (picture: Van Capelle and Van de Bovenkamp, 2007)

The Bendlerblock and its courtyard where Stauffenberg was executed (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2009)

House of General Hammerstein-Equord (15)

Location: Ostflügel of the Bendlerblock, Stauffenbergstraße (originally named Bendlerstrasse), south of the Tiergarten

Today: The Bendlerblock is still there.

On February 3, 1933 Hitler spoke for the army leaders at the house of general Hammerstein-Equord.

Speech to Reichswehrgenerälen (15)

Location: Unknown

During a meeting of the army command and the leaders of the SA on February 28, 1934 Hitler made very clear that the Reichswehr would be the only army of Germany. The SA was going to be an institute for ideological education. Röhm, the leader of the SA was very angry and he expressed his criticism on Hitler. The SA secretly continued to arm itself.

Haus des Deutschen Fremdenverkehrs (Runde Platz, Germania) (16)

Location: Potsdammer Straße, right across the road from the Sigismundstraße. On the location of the Staatbibliotheek.

Today: Not longer there. The Staatsbibliotheek is there now. The building was ruined in the war. The ruïnes were taken away in the 50’s.

The house of German tourism was part of the plans for the new Germania Hitler was going to built. In fact it was one of the few parts of Germania that was almost finished.On June 14, 1938 Hitler layed the first stone of the German House of Tourisme on the Runde Platz. More information about Germania can be found here:

Hitler lays the first stone of the Haus des Deutschen Fremdenverkehrs.

(picture: Bundesarchiv,

Hitler walking towards the Haus des Deutschen Fremdenverkehrs on the Potsdammerstraße for the opening ceremony in 1938.

(picture: Reichshauptstadt Berlin, 2009)

The Staatsbibliotheek was built on the location of the Haus des Fremdenverkehrs.

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2014))

Hotel Sanssouci (17)
Location: Linkstrasse 37, corner Reichpietschufer/Linkstrasse

Today: Modern buildings
On October 14, 1930 Hitler held a speech at the hotel Sanssouci. Earlier that year (on May 21-22) Hitler had a fight with Otto Strasser at this hotel. Strasser belonged to the ‘Sozialrevolutionären Flügel’ (social revolutionairy wing) of the NSDAP that stood opposite to Hitler's NSDAP from South-Germanys. Strasser wanted the NSDAP to become more of an anti-kapitalistic movement. On July 4, 1930 Strasser left the NSDAP (or was kicked out by Goebbels...).
Hitler must have stayed at this hotel on a few other occasions too. It is said that when William Patrick Hitler talked to the English press about Adolf Hitler and family-bussinness, he was invited to Berlin. In presence of his father, Alois, and his ant Hitler met him in a hotel in the Linkstrasse to strongly advise him not to talk to the press again.

The corner of the Reichpietschufer and the Linkstrasse (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2014)

A drawing of hotel Sanssouci

Hotel Excelsior (18)
Location: Askanischer Platz, across the street from the Anhalter Bahnhof

Today: Gone
The Hotel Excelsior was one of the biggest and most modern hotels in the world. Here the Nazi Party wanted to go on the eve of their assumption of power. The owner of the hotel must have turned down the honour. The hotel Kaiserhof was their second choice for that event.

 The hotel Excelsior

(brochure: David Levine Collection)

 The Excelsiorhaus

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2014)

 The area across the road from the ruïnes of the Anhalter Bahnhof

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2014)

Anhalter Bahnhof in 1902
(picture: Berlin, Damals und Heute, 2009)

Hitler and Mussolini at the Anhalter Bahnhof (picture: Van Capelle and Van de Bovenkamp, 2007)

The remains of the Anhalter Bahnhof

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2014)

Behind the former entrance of the station is a sporting field that lies a little lower than the area around it: probably the location where the tracks ended. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2014)

The ruins of Anhalter Bahnhof by night

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2019)

A map with the location of Hotel Rheingold marked in black.

(map: wikipedia)

Another map of the area of Hotel Rheingold, with the plan of modern Berlin in yellow. Notice the tower of the Deutsche Bahn over the Bellevue side of the Rheingold building. The new Potsdamerstrasse runs right across the location where the backside of the building used to be. (map: wikipedia)

Hotel Rheingold on the Bellevue Strasse

(picture: wikipedia, 1907)

The back of Hotel Rheingold on the (Alte) Potsdamerstrasse

(picture: wikipedia, 1907)

The Potsdamerstrasse today runs right through the location where the hotel buildings were. The high building in the centre of the picture (the Kollhoff-Tower) marks the location. On the other side of the Kollhoff-tower runs the Alte Potsdamerstrasse, where the backside of the hotel was.  

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2014)

The Bellevue Strasse today. The front of Hotel Rheingold was where the building of the Deutsche Bahn is now.

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2014)

Fehrbelliner Platz (4) Location: Hohenzollerndamm/Brandenburgische Straße Today: Government offices The Fehrbellinerplatz was the centre of nazi-administration. There are some good exemples of nazi-architecture there.

This building was originally used by the Nordstern-Versicherung. It was built between 1934 and 1936.
(picture: wikipedia, Doris Antony, 2008)

Tennishallen (Wilmersdorfer Tennishallen) (3)

Location: Brandenburgische Strasse corner Konstanzer Strasse

Today: A depot of the Berliner Hafen- und Lagerhaus Betriebe (BEHALA) is there now.

The Tennishallen were built in 3 months in 1930. The hall  served as a depot for ammunition in the war. On January 27, and February 10, 1932 Hitler spoke at the tennishall .

The Wilmersdorfer Tennishallen at the end of the war

Technische Hochschule, Wehrtechnische Fakultät (5-7)

Location: Straße des 17. Juni, remains of the planned Wehrtechnische Fakultät are behind the Telefunken-Hochhaus (Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7) on the Bismarckstraße (and underneath the Teufelsberg)

Today: The Hochschule is called Technische Universität Berlin today. Parts of the old building are still visible. The Wehrtechnische Fakultät V was never finished.

On November 27, 1937 Hitler held a speech when the first stone was layed of the Wertechnischen Fakultät of the Technischen Hochschule.

The building of the Technische Hochschule in 1895

(picture: public domain,

The Technische Universität in 2006. On the right, one of the walls of the old building is still there.


Geburtstagparade 1939. Hitler watches the parade pass the Technische Hochschule.

(picture: Reichshauptstadt Berlin, 2009)

Hitler watching the parade pass the Technische Hochschule

(picture: Hitler, de aanslagen, 2006)

Only a wall remains of the old Technische Hochschule.

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2011)

The parade Hitler watched, came past Charlottenburg gate.

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2011)

Speech for students

Location: Unknown

On February 4, 1933 Hitler spoke to students in Berlin at an unknown location.

A meeting at the university in 1934. If Hitler was present or on what exact date this picture was taken, I don’t know.

(picture: Bundesarchiv,  

Opel Eduard Winter and other locations were William Patrick Hitler worked (8)
Location: Kurfürstendam 207

Today: Not sure
William Patrick Hitler worked in Berlin for a while, for the following companies:
1. Reichskrecht Gesellschaft
2. Opel, Rüsselheim
3. Opel Eduard Winter,
Kurfürstendam 207  
4. Schultheiss-brewery,
Landsberger Allee 24

Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächniskirche (11)
Location: Breitscheidplatz

Today: War memorial.
The ruïns of this church are a reminder of WW II. There’s a modern tower/chappel right next to it. Adolf Hitler visited the church at least once.

The Gedächniskirche in 1930

(picture: Berlin, Damals und Heute, 2009)

The Gedächniskirche on July 26, 1936. Funeral of Bernhard Wilhelm von Bülow. Hitler is present. (picture: Berlin, Damals und Heute, 2009)

The Gedächniskirche is a reminder of the destructive power of war.

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2009-2015)

The Zoo Flakturm, as it was

Berlin South

Berlin South here is the area south of the Bismarckstrasse, the Strasse des 17. Juni and south of it and south of the Karl-Marx-Allee/Frankfurter Allee.

1.Bar Alois Hitler 2. Hotel Rheingold 3. Wilmersdorfer Tennishallen 4. Fehrbelliner Platz 5. Wehrtechnische Fakultät 6. Ernst Reuter Platz 7. Technischen Hochschule

8. Opel dealer were William Patrick Hitler worked 9. Flakturm 10. Zoölogischer Garten 11. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche 12. Bar Alois Hitler 13. Siegessäule 14. Albert Speers Streetlights 15. Bendlerblock 16. Haus des Deutschen Fremdesverkehrs 17. Hotel Sanssouci 18. Hotel Excelsior 19. Anhalter Bahnhof 20. Sportpalast

21. Grossbelastungskörper 22. Arc de Triomphe 23. South Station 24. Tempelhof 42a. Neue Welt

25. Reichsbank 26. Görlitzer Bahnhof

27. Treptower Park 28. or 29. Kameradschaft der Deutschen Künstler (?) 30. Villa Ribbentrop 31. Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler 32. Practice Theo Morell 1919 -1935 33. Practice Theo Morell 1935 - 1945

34. House of Leni riefenstahl

35. Office Goebbels 36. Villa Von Ribbentrop

37. Address Goebbels and Angriff 38. Bahnhof Grunewald 39. Practice Dr. Dermietzel

40. Berliner Alte Philharmonie

41. Feurich-Saal

Berlin South weergeven op een grotere kaart

Wineshop/bar of Alois Hitler (1)
Location: Leonhardstrasse 5, about 100 m. from station Charlottenburg

Today: Not sure.
Alois Hitler, the half brother of Adolf Hitler, had a wineshop/bar at the Leonhardstrasse.

House of Victoria von Dirksen
Location: Margarethenstraße 11. Bezirk W10.

Today: Scharounstrasse, Tiergarten. Near the Matthäikirche. The house is not there anymore. The area was severly damaged at the end of the war.
In this street Hitler sometimes met with his ‘mütterliche Freundin’ Victoria von Dirksen. She used to organise political gatherings. The NSDAP gathered at her house too.

On this picture the Margarethenstrasse is in the background, left from the church. As seen from here, the street ran about a hundred meters behind the Matthäikirche. The picture was taken facing the area were the Sony Centre is today. (picture: copyrights unknown)

There was not much left of the buildings and houses in the area after the war. (picture: copyrights unknown)

The Matthäikirche was rebuilt after the war. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2014)

The Matthäikirche and the square in front of it. The Scharounstrasse runs in front of the buildings on the right side of the picture on the right.

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2014)

The square in front of the Matthäi-kirche (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2014)

Tailor Wilhelm Holters

Location: Tauentzienstrasse 16

Today: Shops (Douglas a.o.)

Wilhelm Holters made Hitler’s uniforms.  His shop was located at the Tauentzienstrasse 16, in Berlin-West. He must have had an office at Wilhelmstrasse 49. Because that address was part of Goebbels Ministry of Propaganda, he probably had room inside the ministry.

Two labels with the address Tauentzienstrasse 16 and a card with a drawing of Holters shop

(pictures: no copyrights)




The entrance hall (left) and one of the wings of the airport. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2019)

An aerial view of the airport in 1930

(picture: Hauptstadt Berlin, 1990)

Kameradadschaft der Deutschen Künstler (28 or 29)

Location: Victoriastrasse 4

Today: Unknow

It is said that Hitler used to come here.

A panorama shot of the Lichterfelde buildings as they are today. The largest part of the complex has gone. (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2017) Lichterfelde than and now (coloured pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2017) Sowjet Ehrenmal (27) Location: Treptow  Park Today: Still there The marble on this large memorial for the Russian soldiers was taken from the New Reichskanzlei of Adolf Hitler. Left and centre: The Sovjet Monument in Treptow (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2006) The red marble on the monument was taken from the New Reichskanzlei (right). Reichsbank (25) Location: Werderstrasse, Werderscher Markt 1 Today: Foreign ministry The architect of this building was chosen by Hitler. The building was ready in 1940. After the war it became the headquarters for the Communist Party. Banker Schacht shows Hitler the building grounds of the new Reichsbank on May 5, 1934.

The Reichsbank has become the Foreign Ministry. (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2010)

Görlitzer Bahnhof (26)

Location: Berlin south-east, between Wiener Strasse and the Görlizter Strasse

Today: Gone. There’s a park (the Görlizer Park) and a swimming pool now. The Spreewaldplatz used to be the Bahnhofsvorplatz. The U-bahnhof in the area is still called Görlitzer Bahnhof.

This station was the beginning of the track through Cottbus to Görlizt. Hitler used this Bahnhof for instance for his trip to Czechoslovakia. A picture below shows him returning from there.

Görlitzer station in 1928

(picture: wikipedia, public domain)

Hitler arriving at the Görlitzer Bahnhof, after a trip to Czechoslovakia.

A map of the area of the station. There’s a park at this location today.

(map: wikipedia, public domain)

A postcard of Neue Welt of 1905

(source: unknown)

Hitler at the Neue Welt in 1930

(source: unknown)

A picture of the first mass meeting on the Tempelhofer Feld. Ther were about one million people present. It was one of the largest mass meetings during the Third Reich. In the back of the picture is the airport that was there before the then largest airport of the world was built. (picture: Bundesarchiv, 1933)

The tribune that’s on the picture of the mass meetig stood approximately on the location where the information stands are on the left picture. To see the location of the old airport you have to turn around. The location is where the trees are in the picture on the right. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2019)

Another impression of Tempelhof today (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2019)

The tempelhofer Feld is now used for sports, flying a kite, hiking and for the activities of a youth circus. In the recent past refugees lived on the airport grounds. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2019)

Bahnhof Grunewald (38)
Location: Am Bahnhof Grunewald

Today: Station with monument for the Jewish people who got transported to concentration camps from this station, called Gleis 17 (Track 17)

On December 6, 1944 Adolf Hitler took his train from this station to an unknown station in the Werra area, on his way to his Führerheadquarters Adlerhorst.

The head building of Bahnhof Grunewald is still there.

(picture: wikipedia)

Practice Dr. Karl Friedrich Dermietzel (39)
Location: Berliner Straße 97

Today: Unknown

Hitler went to doctor Dermietzel at least once, most likely during the political campaign in 1932. There are documents that prove that Hitler saw him, but it is unclear if Hitler went to his practice or if the doctor came to see him. On April 4, 1932 Hitler was in Berlin for speeches. This could be the date he saw the dotor.

Berliner Alte Philharmonie (40)
Location: Bernburger Straße 22/Köthener Strasse

Today: The first Philharmonie in Berlin was located at the Bernburger Straße 22. In 1898 the Beethovensaal on the Köthener Straße was added to the Philharmonie. After the war the area was ruined. Today apartment buildings are on the grounds of the former Philharmonie. A new Philharmonie was built on the Kemperplatz between 1960 an 1963.

In November 1936 Adolf Hitler saw a concert here of the Londoner Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Thomas Beecham. On February 10, 1937 Hitler saw Wilhelm Furtwangler’s return to the concert platform here.

A postcard showing the inside of the Philharmonie in 1900

Emmy Göring, Adolf Hitler, Josef Goebbels and Hermann Göring at the Berliner Philharmonie on February 10, 1937.

Feurich Saal (part of the Schumann-Saal) (41)

Location: Lützowstraße 75/76

Today: The J.S.Bach-Saal and the Schumann-Saal were located here. On the ground-floor of a restaurant a third hall was made, the Feurich Saal. The location was bombed and only the Schumann-Saal survived. It is hidden after the modern facade of Lützowstraße 76. The Feurich-Saal must have been where the so called ‘Abholtrese’ (hard to translate, but it is a location where you pick up things) is now.

Adolf Hitler held a speech at the Feurich-Saal on May 2, 1927.

Victoria-Speicher-Block 1/Depot Entartete Kunst (42)

Location: Köpenicker Strasse 24a

Today: The warehouse was destroyed, a memorial plaque is placed at the entrance of the property.

The Victoria-Speicher-Block 1 was once used as a storage for 17000 pieces of what the nazi’s called ‘degenarated art’. Adolf Hitler visited the warehouse on January 13, 1938 together with Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Hoffmann.

Adolf Hitler at the depot on the Köpenicker Strasse on January 13, 1938

(pictures: probably Heinrich Hoffmann, 1938)

The Victoria-Speicher-Gelände today

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2019)

Heinrich Hoffmann’s Berlin photo agency and publishing house (43)

Location: Kochstrasse 10

Today: Kochstrasse 9 (near Checkpoint Charly). Hoffmann’s Berlin office was destroyed buy bombs at the end of the war. Today the plot that used to be no.10 is used by the Berlin Office For Education.

In 1934 Heinrich Hoffmann founded an office of his photo agency in Berlin. The area of the Kochstrasse was known as the newspaper district.
