Hitler and Kirdorf MÜHLHEIM AN DER RUHR Bad picture of Hitler in Halle Münsterland Somewhere in Münster Hitler met Franz Pfeffer von Salomon Location: Unknown Just after Hitler got out of prison, in 1926, he went to Münster to visit former Freikorpsführer Franz Pfeffer von Salomon, to aks him to lead the SA. MÜNSTER LEMGO

Erinnerungstreffen Landtagswahl Lippe-Detmold January 1933

Location: Unknown

On January 14, 1934 Hitler held a speech at a ceremony to remember the elections of 1933 in Lippe-Detmold.

Festzelt (4) Location: Unknown On January 12, 1933 Hitler spoke to 10.000 people inside a tent somewhere in Lipperode. LIPPERODE Gasthof Heckewerth (3) Location: Unknown On January 5, 1933 Hitler spoke in a tent near the Gasthof Heckewerth in Leopoldshöhe. LEOPOLDSHÖHE

Schloss Buddenberg (5)

Location: Schloßallee, the river Lippe runs around the west-, south- and east-side of the castle grounds.

Today: The castle was taken down in 1977; a hedge marks the exact spot where the castle was.

On June 29, 1934, the day before the Röhm-putsch, Hitler was at the castle Buddenberg in Lünen. There is a picture of him there, but it’s not possible to show that picture here yet.


Left: The castle just before it was taken down in 1977.

(picture: www.wikipedia.de)

Right: A hedge marks the castlewalls (picture: Björn Harste/Shopblogger, July 7, 2007, www.wikipedia.de)


1926 visit - Hermannsdenkmal (20)

Location: Near Detmold, at the end of the Hermannsweg

Today: Still there

Because Adolf Hitler sent a postcard from Detmold and Paderborn to Maria Reiter (that was written or arrived on November 25, 1926) he must have been in the area of Detmold and Paderborn in the period before November 25. What he was doing in the region is not entirely clear to me yet. If you know more about this visit, please send an e-mail.

An entry in the guestbook of the Grotenburg mountain near Detmold might prove he was in the area. It seems like he visited the Hermannsdenkmal on the mountain in November 25, 1926. Historian Ian Kershaw mentions the Hermannsdenkmal as a symbol of the myth of the German Reich.

A copy of the entry in the Grotenburg guestbook Vogelsang in the NS-period An oversights of the Vogelsang area The Ordensburg Vogelsang in December of 2007 (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2007) Two more pictures of Vogelsang today (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2007) The damaged buildings of the Ordensburg, just after the war The Ehrenhalle inside the building was made in honour of the ‘Gefallenen vom 9. November’ Left: the tower   Right: the swimming pool (both pictures) (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2007) Two views downhill (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2007) Left: Hitler at Vogelsang The birds at Vogelsang (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2007) Hitler looking at the plans of the Ordensburg The stairway on the riverside of the building (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2007) Hitler in front of the same stairway Left and right: Hitler and Hess in front of Vogelsang  Centre: the building today has only two floors above ground level. (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2007) On the other pictures the building still has three floors. The central square looks pretty much the same as it did when Hitler was there. (coloured pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2007) More pictures of the central area of Vogelsang (coloured picture: The Hitlerpages, 2007) VOGELSANG A picture of the inside of a Westwall bunker in the Buhlert complex (Eifel region) (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2007) Hitler at the Westwall in 1940 Copyright Original picture WESTWALL Picture from a Hoffmann book Location: Unknown The picture below was taken in Elberfeld.

Hitler in Elberfeld

(picture: Heinrich Hoffmann)

WUPPERTAL - ELBERFELD Festzelt on the Burgplateau (19) Location: Not sure, maybe near the Burghotel on Burg 70 or near the street Am Burgweg Today: Unknown On January 8, 1933 Hitler spoke at the Burgplateau in Schwalenberg to 4.500 people. SCHWALENBERG Gaststätte Scherenkrug (8) Location: Hauptstrasse/Detmolderstrasse (51.974954, 8.665904) Today: The Gaststätte was taken down in June 2017. On January 5, 1933 Hitler spoke to 5.000 people inside a tent near the Gaststätte Scherenkrug. OERLINGHAUSEN

The old Scherenkrug (left), the café after it was closed (right, above) and when it was almost entirely taken down (right, below). Thanks to PB from Auferstandenausruinen. (pictures: auferstandenausruine.de)

Station Palenberg (9) Location: Bahnhofstrasse Today: Not sure about the authenticity of the building. Hitler was at the Palenberg station on August 27, 1938. The station of Palenberg in 1900 PALENBERG Hitler at the location of the Batterie Bestandelager, or the Gästehaus in Rodert Cinema (13) Location: Waldstrasse 16 Today: Changed, but still there Every tuesdaymorning at 10 o’clock Hitler saw the latest news (Wochenschau) here. He also saw the antisemitic movie Der ewige Jude here. Hitler going to the cinema in Rodert A good view of how the FHQ was placed on the mountain A small path leads up to the Eselsberg, were the remains of the  Felsennest are. (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2008) Left picture: the Felsennest from the other side; Right picture: the Führer Haupt Quartier hidden in the trees The Felsennest, the Felsennest area and Hitler and Göring at the Felsennest (pictures: Heinrich Hoffmann) Hitler's working room at the Felsennest The Führer Haupt Quartier Felsennest in 1940, with on the right  the window of Adolf Hitler's room (pictures: Heinrich Hoffmann) Hitler and Göring, listening (picture: Heinrich Hoffmann) The so called Kartenraum  (picture: Heinrich Hoffmann) Left: the Kartenraum  Right: Someone leaves the Kartenraum  (pictures: Heinrich Hoffmann) The Kartenraum foundations (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2008) The path running downhill to the remaining foundation of the Kartenraum  (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2008) The Felsennest was blown up, but around a large hole in the ground you can see the countour of the bunker in the straight lines of the concrete remains. (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2008) Felsennest remains (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2008) Remains of the roof of the bunker (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2008) Two pictures that show the construction of the bunker (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2008) Altough it’s hard to see, this picture shows the hole in the ground where the Felsennest used to be (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2008) Other bunker remains (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2008) Hitler and Von Rundstedt  (picture: Heinrich Hoffmann) Above: outside the Felsennest Right: the bunkers were hidden underneath nets RODERT Left: between the trees is the Rollbahnbrücke Right: The woods where the plains were taken to  (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2008) The guardhouse  (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2008) Bunker remains on the Hülloch property (behind a fence)  (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2008) The bunkers on the other side of the road are not on private grounds (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2008) The bunkers are visable from the road side (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2008) More bunker remains (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2008) The Hülloch complex must have been pretty big. The guy in front of the ruins is in fact more than two meters tall. (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2008) Inside the Forsthaus. Hitler is not present on this picture. The driveway to Forsthaus Hülloch (picture: The Hitlerpages, 2008) Above and right: The Feldflugplatz near the Felsennest in Mai, 1940 June 2, 1940, Hitler has just landed in Odendorf after a journey through Belgium and the North of France There’s nothing left of the airfield. (pictures: The Hitlerpages, 2008) The station of Euskirchen in diffrent periods of time. The right picture (source Wikipedia) is the most recent one. RODERT REGION NORDRHEIN-WESTFALEN

Nordrhein-Westfalen has a lot of places that are interesting to visit.  On this page you’ll for instance find the Felsennest, the Ordensburg Vogelsang and the Hermannsdenkmal.

Visit Nordrhein Westfalen 1 for the famous Rheinhotel Dreesen, the Nordpark in Düsseldorf and the Gürzenich in Köln.    

1. Jahnplatz Lage 2. Schützenhaus Lemgo

3. Heckewerth Leopoldshöhe 4. Lipperode

5. Schloss Buddenbrg Lünen 6. Halle Münsterland Münster 7. Streithof Mühlheim

8. Scherenkrug Oerlinghausen 9. Station Palenberg 10. Felsennest Rodert

11. Stafbunker Rodert 12. Gästehaus Rodert 13. Cinema Rodert 14. Bahnhof Euskirchen

15. Feldflugplatz Odendorf 16. Rollbahnbrücke  17. Forsthaus Hülloch 18. Oberkommando des Heeres Hülloch 19. Schwalenburg

20. Hermannsdenkmal Teutoburgerwald

21. Ordensburg Vogelsang 22a -22j Westwall Herzogenrath 23a - 23d Westwall Eifel

24a - 24c Westwall Trier (Rheinland Pfalz)

25a - 25f Saarland and Pfalz (Rheinland Pfalz) 26. Evangelische Vereinshaus Wuppertal

27. NSDAP Elberfeld (Wuppertal) 28. Stadion am Zoo (Wuppertal)  


Nordrhein Westfalen 2 weergeven op een grotere kaart

Hitler at the Schloss, reading a copy the Völkischer Beobachter.

(picture: Bayerische Staatbibliothek, 1935)

Adolf Hitler in Schloss Grevenburg. These pictures were taken by one of the photographers of Heinrich Hoffmann, who himself is present on the pictures.

 (pictures: Bayerische Staatbibliothek, picture Hoff12190, Hoff12192, Hoff12191, Hoff12193, Hoff69703)


An old drawing of Schloss Grevenburg

Schloss Grevenburg today

(picture: the Hitlerpages, 2016)

The gate of Schloss Grevenburg (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2016)

The courtyard of the small castle (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2016)

Then and now. Left: Children gathered to see the Führer at the courtyard of Schloss Grevenburg. Behind him, on the stairs is his photographer Heinrich Hoffmann. (picture: Firma Hoffmann, 1936) Right: The same location today (picture: the Hitlerpages, 2016)

Three more pictures of the courtyard.

(pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2016)

Another picture of Hitler inside the Schloss. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2016)

The Grevenburg castle is part of a larger estate with farmland and a large farm. (pictures: the Hitlerpages, 2016)