Five days before the attack on  Hitler's life in July 1944. The man on the left is Von Staufenberg. He was responsible for the attack. ‘Lagebesprechung’ with  Jodl and Christian On July 20, 1944 Von Staufenberg placed a briefcase with a bomb in it  under the table where the ‘Lagebesprechung’ was held.  Number 1 is Hitler. The red circle is the bomb. Christmas at the Führer Haupt Quartier, 1941 At the Wolfschanze in the period  of 17-21 July 1941 Winter  1942-1943 (picture: Walter Frenz, Hiller von Gaertringen, 2007) Hitler meets Palevic in 1944 Hitler and his dog at the Wolfschanze (picture: Fest, Hitler, Gesichte eines Diktators) Outside, somewhere in the Führer Haupt Quartier Wolfschanze Hitler's Office. The round table was used for the nightly tea and monologes of Hitler Mussolini and Hitler looking at the result of the attack (picture: After the Battle, nr. 19, 1977) Hitler and other nazi’s that  were in the room (picture: Fest, Hitler, Gesichte eines Diktators) On the day of the attack Dönitz speaks to the German people (picture: Fest, Hitler, Gesichte eines Diktators)

The Lagebaracke, on July 20, 1944, after the attack

(picture: After the Battle, nr. 19, 1977)

Map of the Wolfsschanze

1. Office and residential buildings of Hitler's bodyguard 2. Building the Body Guard and Security Service 3. Emergency generator 4. Bunker 5. Building of the Heads of Press Dr. Otto Dietrich  6. Advice shack, a place of no successful attack on Hitler of 20 July 1944  7. Security 8. Air-raid shelter for guests 9. Bodyguard 10. Building of shorthand service 11. Security, first Hitler's bodyguard Rattenhuber, chief of the police department Högl, Post Office 12. Telex 13. Garages 14. Train 15. Movies 16. Heating buildings 17. Dr. Morell, Bodenschatz, Hewel, Voß, Wolff, Fegelein 18. Stocks 19. Building of Martin Bormann, Hitler's personal secretary  20. Air-raid shelter Bormann and his personal environment 21. Adjutantur Hitler and the Wehrmacht, the Army Personnel 22. Casino II 23. General Alfred Jodl, chief of the army leadership in the Supreme Command Staff of the Wehrmacht 24. Firefighting pond 25. Office of the Foreign Ministry 26. Dr. Fritz Todt, after his fatal accident: Albert Speer 27. Of Hotel bodyguard 28. of accessible air-raid shelter with Flak and MG units on the roof 29. Casino I 30. New tearoom 31. General Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, chief of the High Command of the Wehrmacht 32. Old Teahouse 33. Building of Hermann Göring, Reich Marshal Field 34. Air-raid shelter with Göring Flak, MG and reflector units 35. Representation of the High Command of the Air Force 36. Representation of the high command of the navy 37. Bunker with Flak Station 38. Ketrzyn railway line (Kętrzyn)-Anger Castle (Węgorzewo)


The Wolfschanze was the most famous and most used Führer Haupt Quartier of Hitler, who spent a lot of time there to coördinate the troops during the invasion of Russia. The Von Stauffenberg-attack took place at the Wolfschanze. Only a lot of ruïns remain today, but the Wolfschanze is open for the public. The map on this page only shows a few locations in- and outside the Wolfsschanze.         

1.  Bahnhof

2. Führerbunker

3. Göringbunker

4. Storch Airfield

5. Rastenburg Airfield         


Wolfsschanze weergeven op een grotere kaart
Rastenburg Airport, near the Wolfsschanze. This is the airport Von Stauffenberg used to get away from the Wolfsschanze.

Rastenburg Airfield (5)

Location: 54’02’39.42”N, 21’25’58.74”O

Today: Seems like it’s (remains) are still there.

There were two ways to get away from the Wolfsschanze by air. Next to the Wolfsschanze was a Storch Landing Field. South-west of the FHQ was the Rastenburg Airfield. This is also the airfield Stauffenberg used after the attack on July 20, 1944.

Left: Hitler at the Bahnhof  Right: Hitler meets Mussolini at Bahnhof Görlitz on the day of the Stauffenberg attack (at 15.30 hours). (picture: Kershaw, 1999)

Bahnhof Görlitz (1)

Location: West of Sperrkreis I, in Sperrkreis II, between G

Today: Some remains of the station are still there.

When Hitler travelled by train he used this station. It was inside the Wolfsschanze area.

Left: Hitler waiting for Mussolini’s train at the Bahnhof of the Wolfsschanze Right: A provisional location was made to receive guests at the station. (picture: Misch, 2008) Right next to the Wolfsschanze was an airfield for Storch aircrafts, that only needed a short runway

Storch Airfield (4)

Location: Directly next to the Wolfsschanze, on the north side, directly south of the railway

Today: Open field

There were two ways to get away from the Wolfsschanze by air. Next to the Wolfsschanze was a Storch Landing Field. South-west of the FHQ was the Rastenburg Airfield.